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The Popular Mechanics article on Area 51 that we've all read

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posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 03:01 PM
As most here know, back in 1997 Popular Mechanics carried an article in which they claimed that Groom Lake had shut down and all the projects there had been moved to an area near the Dugway Proving Grounds. In the 10 years since that article appeared, satellite photos have shown that rather than shut down, the Groom Lake facility has been expanded. The Janet flights continue to fly there daily and clearly the base is active.

So my question is, what was up with that article? I know they claimed to go up to some fence and honk their horn, which did not cause any security to appear. But beyond that, what evidence did they base their claim on?

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 03:40 PM
Jim Wilson, editor of Popular Mechanics, drove down the wrong road. He ended up at a remote spot on the edge of the Nevada Test and Training Range, where the road was blocked. Seeing no activity, he decided the Groom Lake base was abandoned.

From this he built a fantasy of base closure due to radioactive contamination, and projects being moved to other areas including Green River, Utah. If he had done even the least bit of research, he would never have written such a story. It was extremely poor work for a journalist of his position.

The unfortunate timing of his article meant it was published as a production crew was finishing a program called "Inside Area 51." Since this was apparently big Area 51 news, they included an interview with Wilson. Unfortunately, it was too late in the production cycle to interview experts for a rebuttal. Consequently, most people who watched the program came away with only one thought: "Area 51 is closed."

Since the show has been rebroadcast numerous times on a variety of networks, new audiences are exposed to the "Area 51 is closed" myth. That is why so many threads on various discussion forums begin with someone writing, "I just saw this show that said Area 51 is closed..." It's one of those stories that wont die.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 10:10 PM
He took Mailbox Road and forgot to turn right onto Groom Lake Road, thus ending up at the Range 61 gate.

The last time I looked, that crappy article was still on the Popular Mechanics website.

Incidentally, Range 61 is a real bombing range. I've watched the AC130 shoot it up from Tikaboo.
This is a fake ICMB site on Range 61.

The gate coordinates are
N37.28887 W115.44283

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 05:21 PM
Yeah, I didn't believe that aritcle for a second. The idea that they would just leave Area 51 is just naive. They have expanded it over the years are still expanding the base.

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