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The aliens are coming! The aliens are coming!!!

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posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 12:05 PM
What you hear:
1. From your friends on otherside of the continent: RINNGGGG: "Have you heard? They are really coming! We don't know what they want, but their crafts filled out the skies!"

2. From the TV: NEWSFLASH: "This is it folks, what we always knew existed, this wil change humanity forever."

3. From the Government: "Please don't panic, they are HARMLESS , but don't agitate or approach them or attempt to shoot at their crafts, or wave them down."

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 12:09 PM
I think the US government would be more like:

"America is under attack. These space terrorists hate our way of life, freedom and liberty. They have weapons of mass destruction and is willing to use them!!!1111".

Then Bush decides to attack the aliens and gets destroyed. Then we get world peace.

[edit on 12-10-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by Copernicus
I think the US government would be more like:

"America is under attack. These space terrorists hate our way of life, freedom and liberty. They have weapons of mass destruction and is willing to use them!!!1111".

Funny I was thinking that to

Then Bush decides to attack the aliens and gets destroyed. Then we get world peace.

You have got to be kidding me with that last statement. Check the News its more then just America doing violence these days. The destruction of America will cause more war not end it. Lets get real here.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by angryamerican
You have got to be kidding me with that last statement. Check the News its more then just America doing violence these days. The destruction of America will cause more war not end it. Lets get real here.

Its a interesting discussion actually. Im not certain im right or wrong on this one. America causes a lot of harm around the world, but its possible that it also helps some countries. Start a new thread and lets discuss it.

[edit on 12-10-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Copernicus

Originally posted by angryamerican
You have got to be kidding me with that last statement. Check the News its more then just America doing violence these days. The destruction of America will cause more war not end it. Lets get real here.

Its a interesting discussion actually. Im not certain im right or wrong on this one. America causes a lot of harm around the world, but its possible that it also helps some countries. Start a new thread and lets discuss it.

[edit on 12-10-2007 by Copernicus]

America causes a lot of harm around the world? You mean like the hospitals and schools we've rebuilt in Iraq? Or the soldiers on humanitarian efforts for children (orphans) in Kosovo? All you are looking at is what our military blows up and that is the entire point of any military: to break crap and kill people.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 02:38 PM
"Rebuilt"?!?! You're nuts -- the US is the one who blew them up in the first place. And are a methodical killing machine, programmed to do so from a couple DECADES of video game culture. There's nothing positive the US is doing for the world, get that straight asap.

On this topic -- I'd lead a parade w/ the aliens to the Racist House to drag Druggie Junior out of there and put him in prison until he dies, so he can understand what "left behind" truly means. Then, we'd go looking for Rummy.

The SDI is what worries me, what advanced race, should they be able to get here via spacecraft would be harmed by it? I don't know, maybe none of them or maybe it's capable of shooting down craft. The fact that the world didn't boycott that really sucks and yesterday or today Putin mentioned again he's opposed to it yet said he'd have no problem w/ the SDI ON THE MOON!

Sickening how these "leaders" think. Ron Paul seems like the only peaceful candidate. Maybe Kucinich as well. But we'll get Mrs NWO Billary.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 03:02 PM
"Rebuilt"?!?! You're nuts -- the US is the one who blew them up in the first place. And are a methodical killing machine, programmed to do so from a couple DECADES of video game culture. There's nothing positive the US is doing for the world, get that straight asap.

When cowardly combatants hide behind women and children in schools, hospitals, and churches of course they are going to get blown up and where is your condemnation of those same cowards?
If you choose to not see any of the good things done then that is your choice but don't expect others to look the other way from our humanitarian efforts. I am not for one second even remotely saying our hands have no blood on them but this American Mother does not send her child off to blow other people up so get THAT straight ASAP.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 03:05 PM
What a shame that such a good thread is quickly getting sidelined into a run-of-the-mill pro/anti America thread.

But yeah, I don't think many of us have a good idea what we would do in such a situation. As long as the aliens weren't hostile, I'd just continue on with my life as usual-I would want to visit alien worlds somewhere down the road, but, at least at first, I would just keep on doing what I'm doing now.

[edit on 12-10-2007 by uberarcanist]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 03:16 PM
I hear you, I hear ya.... the thing is, we're over there. MY (and maybe yours) taxdollars are paying to KILL people. It sucks and we should not be there in the first place. I don't buy the gov't version of S11 at all, I was living in lower Manhattan when it happened, I have family of friends who died then and have been livid since. The middle class is brainwashed and are now paying the price in their futures w/ changed personal bankruptcy laws and subprime/credit collapses.

Edit: Anti-US? Not really, great place to live for now, should police state/g depression hit, see you to s america or c america and work on a farm, temperate weather all year, cheaper cost of living. I live in a city, but those who drive at $3 a gallon? Commute a lot? Getting worse, 'peak oil' seems to be legit and then, 200$a barrel, do the math -- $7 a gallon! Ruined middle-class. The Synarchists in power win/won.

Cowards? Eh, taking a little too far when we're not there and don't know what goes on. To be honest w/ you, I am for al-Sadr's Mahdi militia. It's their right to fight for their country and people. I can't buy the media (any media for that matter) version of this.

Check out Jean Baudrilliard's "The Gulf War Did Not Take Place" It's obviously a philosophical view of the first one and made me think differently, a televised war IS the postmodern age. To go to a warzone is lunacy. We haven't advanced as people. Just fly aircraft carriers somewhere, drop (maybe nuclear) bombs on unsuspecting people and then send a high-tek military to kill? This is a dark age at the point in history we're at, and at the cost of it (millions, billions?! a week) the US is gonna be bankrupt sooner then later.

Edit: as per going off the topic, my bad; people would go nuts. Think about the subject, it'd be like Robbins in War/Worlds, shotguns in your bunkers, worried about a takeover ---or---- friendly aliens/beings offering to take you somewhere else, light speed?! Outta here. The awful gov't and power brokers 'left behind' and Earth can heal, great. Recent article about 40-50% US native/migrating birds, dead. A ruined environment, we should be using MAVLEV trains by now. Instead the infrustructure is decayed and rotting and overpriced, let alone no tek invested, the kids are lost on video games or i'net/digi cable while the, soon-to-be retiring baby boomers are looking the other way watching crime dramas. Amma (not the god) in a strange catagory, 30s, trying to write/live off music in a digi collapse. Downloading has taken over, file-sharing exists, one case here and there against people doesn't stop the kids, I see my albums up on those sites, the gov't has done nothing to HELP the artist. Yeah, amma w/ Metallica drummer here.

And pardon, the rant!

[edit on 12-10-2007 by anhinga]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by anhinga

I disagree with America's foreign policy greatly, but back on subject or I'm calling the mods.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 03:22 PM
If there are many sightings at the same time, then something big could go down. UFO are known to show up in places prior to disasterous events as a type of warning. Not always the case, but can and has been in the past.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 03:31 PM
I hear you again last poster, the SCI FI channel clip on the UFO
outside the twin towers days, months, years (?) prior to the attack
seems legit and maybe they were looking in on those who'd die,
they seemed to be hovering around those floors.

And the spacecrafts that have supposedly shown up at nuclear
weapons launching facilities, yeah, they're trying to tell us some-

I'll cite that GRAY crop circle from 2002 again, w/ the Gray holding a
CD w/ spacecrafts in the background, in 8-bit ASCII code!!!

"Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. EELRIJUE. There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING [bell sound]"

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 05:35 PM
At lest I can tell every on i know "I TOLD YOU SO!!" toss everything into the truck buggie out of sight and hunker down. You think that all we prepare fare whould be some what useless and we are stuck along with every one else.

Would it be better to heed the governement call and fallow suite to the underground camps or go it on our own? I think that every one who witnesses such an even would have a feeling as they won a million dollars and just dont know what to do next. Should I got to work? Pick up the kids? Give up and pull the trigger? what is the question.

On my part like I said, pack up and leave either on foot of vehicle which ever it takes. If they come for me and my loved ones I'm armed for bears and ready to take as many out as possible. Now about the

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 06:02 PM
I'm trying really, really hard to leave this in the 'Survival Forum'.

Docklands , I'd like to tell everyone to stay on topic....What was it??

I think the topic is supposed to be, how would you survive, if space
Aliens landed??

Anyway....... I know it's not Gulf War, Terrorism or Crop circles...

Come on guys, help me out , here.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by Jbird

Well, I wanted to spark some imagination and sort of let the thread runs its course, see how people react to the scenario. Kinda don't want to narrow it down to a "What would you do" thread, so it is kinda open in many directions. But please, like supermod says: Dont turn this into a pro-US/anti-US thread.

First thing I would do is to slap non-alien-believers head and say: I told you so!

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 09:17 PM
Docklands, please is there a site where I can git a bumper sticker of that damn avatar?!?!? I almost fall out of my chair every time I see it!

Jbird, this IS on topic, we need to confirm their existence first and that last post about "pulling the trigger" forget that. Unless they're War/Words-like Tripods on killing sprees where you have no chance of survival -- otherwise, the Grays seem friendly enough.

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by anhinga

Jbird, this IS on topic,

Perhaps you could enlighten me as to what this, for example, has to do with "Aliens have landed ...what now?"

Cowards? Eh, taking a little too far when we're not there and don't know what goes on. To be honest w/ you, I am for al-Sadr's Mahdi militia. It's their right to fight for their country and people. I can't buy the media (any media for that matter) version of this.

or this

I live in a city, but those who drive at $3 a gallon? Commute a lot? Getting worse, 'peak oil' seems to be legit and then, 200$a barrel, do the math -- $7 a gallon!

initially posted by anhinga
Edit: as per going off the topic, my bad;

You admit it, then tell me otherwise? One of us is confused.

Anyway, remember this is the Survival Forum, just try not to stray , too far.

(edited for clarity)

[edit on 13-10-2007 by Jbird]

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by docklands
reply to post by Jbird

First thing I would do is to slap non-alien-believers head and say: I told you so!

you had me rolling on the floor with that one.
First thing I would do would be get on U-tube and find a video of the event taking place. Gather as much Intel as necessary to make a rational decision. Basing on what is known to make my decision trying really hard to keep speculation out of it.

Of course if there staging like they did in independence day I am gonna head for the hills. I figure if the aliens are smart enough to travel interstellar space they are smart enough to go to Washington not stage there ships over many areas. If I see that happening that to me is a sure sign they do not have our best interest in mind.

On a personal note sorry I started the thread down that road but I have a nasty habit of defending my country when unfairly attacked.

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