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The esoteric truth about the couple

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posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by RWPBR
Ever heard english refered to as Lingua Pura ?

No, but it obviously sounds related to what we're discussing here.

I looked it up just now, and I actually have heard that English was intentionally created to be an Esoteric language.

Even though English is rough, and lacking in grace and poetry, it definitely contains some very interesting correlations.

The Rosicrucian Hargrave Jennings:

The universality of Linga puja, (or worship) at the period of the Mahommedan invasion of India is well attested. The idol destroyed by Mahmoud of Ghizni, was nothing more than one of those mystical blocks of stone called Lingas. The worship of Siva under the type of the Linga is almost the only form in which that Deity is reverenced. The Linga of black or white marble, and sometimes of alabaster slightly tinted and gilt,‡ is placed in the middle of the Hindü temples. Speaking of Siva and Pawáti, M. de Langlet says, “Les deux divinités dont-il s’agit, sont très souvent et très pieusement adordes sous le figure du Linga (le Phallus des anciens), et de 1’Yoni, dans leur mystérieuse conjonction. L’Yoni se nomme aussi Bhaga (pudendum muliebre). Madheri, douce; et Argha, vase en forme de bateau.”

Benares is the peculiar seat of the Linga or Phallic worship. No less than forty-seven Lingas are

* Puranas (New Testament), the Modern Scriptures of the Hindus, as distinguished from the Vedhas (as Bible), or more Ancient Scriptures. Wilson on Hindü Sects.—As. Res. vol. xvii.

† As. Res. vol. xvii. pp. 208-210.

‡ Chinese hint. The Chinese Pagodas are Phalli, storied “Tors,” or Obelisks ; abounding in bells to be agitated in the winds to drive-off the crowds of roving malignant spirits. The whole of China may be mystically said to be populated by “Bells and the Dragon.”

visited, all of pre-eminent sanctity; but there are hundreds of inferior note still worshipped; and thousands whose fame and fashion have passed away. It is a singular fact, that upon this adoration of the procreative and sexual Sacti (or power) seen throughout nature, hinges the whole strength of the Hindü faith. Notwithstanding all that has been said by half-informed and prejudiced persons to the contrary, this puja does not appear to be prejudicial to the morals of the people. Nearly all the Pujas are conducted with the frequent ringing of bells, and the object of this is twofold—first to wake up the attention at particular parts of the service; and secondly, to scare away malignant Dewtas and evil spirits; precisely, in fact, for the same reasons as they are used at the celebration of Mass in Roman Catholic countries.

One might compare this with my last few posts in this thread to see what you come up with.

[edit on 24-10-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 08:01 PM

The problem with you is you use space cadet sources to verify other space cadet sources.

I dont mean that in a nasty, mean way. I always enjoy your posts even if I dont agree with them. I just cant take you seriously if you dont try to keep even one foot on the ground.

Everything does not have a mystic , cosmic corelation to the mysterious secrets of the universe.

Welcome back BTW.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 08:13 PM
What are you talking about?

Please name one "space cadet" source I've referenced here.

Have you ever even heard of Dzogchen, or the Bonpos, in order to even have any sort of foundation of which to stand your "space cadet" comment upon?

Or are you referring to the Gnostic, Masonic, and Rosicrucian sources I've referenced here?

Welcome back BTW.


Although I'm most likely just passing through for a minute....

[edit on 24-10-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by RWPBR
Everything does not have a mystic , cosmic corelation to the mysterious secrets of the universe.

This is precisely the problem with the average western mind.

It is the mind that segregates Science from Religion, physical life from the metaphysical processes that underly it, etc., instead of seeing the interdependent origination of all things both in their physical and metaphysical factors.

The Law of Karma(dependent origination), for example, is not so out there:

It is simply cause and effect:

"Karma creates nothing, nor does it design. It is man who plans and creates causes, and Karmic law adjusts the effects; which adjustment is not an act but universal harmony, tending ever to resume its original position, like a bough, which, bent down too forcibly, rebounds with corresponding vigor." - H.P.Blavatsky

“You are liberated when your delusions and contaminated karmic actions are exhausted.” - Nagarjuna

Through mindfulness we experience Interbeing
which means everything is in everything else.
Therefore, one should know that Perfect Understanding
is a great mantra, is the highest mantra,
is the unequalled mantra, the destroyer of all suffering,
the incorruptible truth. This is the mantra:

Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha.

- The Buddha in the Prajnaparamita Sutra ("Heart Sutra")

If I may suggest the following:


"Jesus Christ? Behold the Atom Nous indeed, in whom is no guile!"

The Twelve Links of Interdependent Origination Geshe Rabten Rinpoche

[edit on 24-10-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by Tamahu

I freely admit I have a western mindset and am a product of the age of reason.
I was once like you, seeking out answers for questions that either did not exist or had not answers. We have discussed this esoteric training was quite solid back in the day. Ah youth...

You are a true believer and I respect that, but the scales have been lifted from my eyes and I see now through the eyes of reason and logic.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by Tamahu

Tamahu, most people refer to spiritual, mystic thought patterns as being "spacey." I don't agree with them, but that is where the "space cadet" analogy comes from...

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by RWPBR

but the scales have been lifted from my eyes and I see now through the eyes of reason and logic.

Or just devolved further into spiritual darkness, whichever you prefer...
There is nothing wrong with reason and logic, I use it often. However, there is a limit to the use thereof... Common sense isn't fool proof. Common sense would dictate that the earth is sitting still... Of course, we all know it isn't, but we don't know that through common sense or logic.

[edit on 25-10-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 11:36 AM
I always wonder where my tax dollars are going...

When I read threads like this... It certainly isn't public education... "Hug a teacher?" How about popping one right in the mouth for not getting the job done.

[Origin: 1175–1225; (n.) ME < AF c(o)uple, OF cople, cuple < L cōpula a tie, bond (see copula); (v.) ME couplen < AF co(u)pler, OF copler, cupler < L copulāre (see copulate)]

Etymology is the study of the history of words - when they entered a language, from what source, and how their form and meaning have changed over time.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by RWPBR

"Faith begins where reason sinks exhausted." - Albert Pike

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by Mirthful Me

Good one. Sometimes there just is no hidden meaning.

But still, I was waiting for "woman" to come up. Woe-man. Then I was going to show that to my wife, and tell her it was a fact since it was on the internet.

Then go get a steak for my eye.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Mirthful Me

Hmm. Thats what I said in a much more dragged out manor. Couple in French literally means two.. it has the same meaning as Deux.

As for English being "purposefully" created..... ?? .. Really?

English was once pure Germanic in nature, brought by the Saxons, many of our words (especially all of our four letter curses .. which is why they are called that, the French considered Saxon barbaric, so the English used Saxon words against French occupiers, since then they are "bad words" .. ) .. anyways, Saxon is our direct ancestor, that is where our linguistic knowledge derives (how we word compared to Romantic languages). Now, aside from Saxon (Germanic) the English where conqured by the French some time back, the French made all English people speak French, and English became an underground language, mostly spoken by the uneducated or the defiant.. thus French words, spelling and so forth where impregnated into the evolved Saxon speech (languages, which naturally evolve over time change from any given mother language, a perfect example is modern American English, Australian English, and English English .. subtle differences, that given time will evolve, if we did not have fast communications the evolution would be accelerated.)

Essentially English is a mutt of a language, Saxon by nature, following its Germanic line, but impregnated with romanticism, mostly being Latin and French directly, however in America I see more Spanish infiltrating our words.

no one say down (ah.. I think I will make a new language today) .. its a natural evolution. Nothing mystical at all about it. No natural cosmos or what ever.. and Couple -- following Either Couple French or Kopler German, we come to the same meaning -- 2 -- or a pair, a set of.. how we would say "a few" .. "a couple of" .. and it does not fuel your homophobic ideologies of Couple meaning man and woman. Sorry brother.

Besides, if anything our current English could be embarrassing.. think of it.. our language the product of our ancestors being taken by the French.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by Mirthful Me
I always wonder where my tax dollars are going...

When I read threads like this... It certainly isn't public education... "Hug a teacher?" How about popping one right in the mouth for not getting the job done.

[Origin: 1175–1225; (n.) ME < AF c(o)uple, OF cople, cuple < L cōpula a tie, bond (see copula); (v.) ME couplen < AF co(u)pler, OF copler, cupler < L copulāre (see copulate)]

Etymology is the study of the history of words - when they entered a language, from what source, and how their form and meaning have changed over time.

That is all well and good, but it is not as though you would find initiatory esoteric work or though patterns taught in public schools,in dictionaries,etc.Remember occulted means HIDDEN.

I suppose we will have to agree to disagree my brother.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 08:49 PM
For now, in order to give more information in favor of brotherforchrist's observation:

H.P. Blavatsky's "Isis Unveiled":

...We find it rather unwise on the part of Catholic writers to pour out their vials of wrath in such sentences as these: "In a multitude of pagodas, the phallic stone, ever and always assuming, like the Grecian batylos, the brutally indecent form of the lingham . . . the Maha Deva."** Before casting slurs on a symbol whose profound metaphysical meaning is too much for the modern champions of that religion of sensualism par excellence, Roman Catholicism, to grasp, they are in duty bound to destroy their oldest churches, and change the form of the cupolas of their own temples. The Mahody of Elephanta, the Round Tower of Bhangulpore, the minarets of Islam -- either rounded or pointed -- are the originals of the Campanile column of San Marco, at Venice, of the Rochester Cathedral, and of the modern Duomo of Milan. All of these steeples, turrets, domes, and Christian temples, are the reproductions of the primitive idea of the lithos, the upright phallus. "The western tower of St. Paul's Cathedral, London," says the author of The Rosicrucians, "is one of the double lithoi placed always in front of every temple, Christian as well as heathen."*** Moreover, in all Christian Churches, "particularly in Protestant churches, where they figure most conspicuously, the two tables of stone of the Mosaic Dispensation are placed over the altar, side by side, as a united stone, the tops of which are rounded. . . . The right stone is masculine, the left feminine." Therefore neither Catholics nor Protestants have a right to talk of the "indecent forms" of heathen monuments so long as they ornament their own churches with the symbols of the Lingham and Yoni, and even write the laws of their God upon them.

Another detail not redounding very particularly to the honor of the Christian clergy might be recalled in the word Inquisition. The torrents

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------
* See King's "Gnostics," and other works.

** Des Mousseaux: "La Magie au XIXme Siecle," chap. i.

*** Hargrave Jennings: "The Rosicrucians," pp. 228-241.
[[Vol. 2, Page]] 6 ISIS UNVEILED.
of human blood shed by this Christian institution, and the number of its human sacrifices, are unparalleled in the annals of Paganism. Another still more prominent feature in which the clergy surpassed their masters, the "heathen," is sorcery. Certainly in no Pagan temple was black magic, in its real and true sense, more practiced than in the Vatican. While strongly supporting exorcism as an important source of revenue, they neglected magic as little as the ancient heathen. It is easy to prove that the sortilegium, or sorcery, was widely practiced among the clergy and monks so late as the last century, and is practiced occasionally even now....

Hargrave Jennings again:

...The horse-shoe is the mystic symbol of the Wizard’s Foot, or the sigma, or sign, of the abstract “Four-footed,” the strangely secret, constantly presented, but as constantly evading, magic meaning conveyed in which (a tremendous cabalistic sign) we encounter everywhere. May the original, in the East, of the horse-shoe arch of the Saracens, which is a foundation-form of our Gothic architecture,—may the horse-shoe form of all arches and cupolas (which figure is to be met everywhere in Asia),—may these strange, rhomboidal curves carry reference to the ancient mysterious blending of the ideas of the horse and the supernatural and religious? It is an awing thought; but Spirits and supernatural embodiments— unperceived by our limited, vulgar senses—may make their daily walk amidst us, invisible, in the ways of the world. It may indeed be that they are sometimes suddenly happened upon, and, as it were, surprised. The world —although so silent—may be noisy with ghostly feet. The Unseen Ministers may every day pass in and out among our ways, and we all the time think that we have the world to ourselves. It is, as it were, to this inside, unsuspected world that these recognitive, deprecatory signs of horseimplying the mysterious ultra-natural scorn, ranging in meaning with the “attiring” and stigmatising of Actæon turned into the stag, and hunted by his own hounds for surprising Diana....

And finally, Godfrey Higgins' Anacalypsis again:


So again, in regard to the Karmamudra and Samayamudra of Tantric Buddhism, and the Arcanum A.Z.F. of Gnosis(Daath), see my initial posts in this thread....

[edit on 26-10-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Tamahu
Godfrey Higgins' "Anacalypsis":

The Earth was often called the Arga : this was imitated by the mystic Meru. The north pole was the Linga, surrounded by seven dwips or zones one above another, and seven seas, or rivers, or waters, and an outward one called Oceanus. In this Oceanus the whole floated. Thus, the earth, mother Eartha, became the Argha or Ione, and Meru the pole, the Linga....

...And it has induced me to review the early history of Buddhism, and to make me suspect that, in its early works, the Linga is not to be found, and that it only came into use when the division between the followers of the Linga and Ioni began to arise, which caused the horrible civil and religious wars, noticed in my former volume.



May's Son.

Buddha is also the Sun/Son of MAYA.

Or Maya's-on.

A good day to bring this thread back....

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