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How Many Screens Are In your Home?

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posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 10:52 PM
I was just coming hoem from work when I realized I think there are too many TV's in the house when I see my father installing the sixth one in the house entrance area.

Funny thing is they just kidn of pop up. We do not go out and buy any, but whenever a 30+ inch Tv just happens to come across, we take it. There are six television sets in a house with four bedrooms, and one each in the living room and that room when we first walk through the door.

There is also a computer AND a laptop in the living room with the 52 inch TV. And another PC and laptop in one of the bedrooms.

That is a total of ten screens in my home, and I begin to get this paranoid feelign oh who is really watching what, or who?

I feel like I am living in an Orwelian home or something. Obviously the screen does not record what I am saying and doign all day, and talk back if I a not doing what I am supposed to. but man, does anyone else get creeped out about having so many screens in one home?

The funny thing is on any given day, only three of the tv's are being watched, and never at the same time. I would say the totoal combined time that our Televisions are on is less than 10 hours a day between five people.

If we do not watch TV so much, why would we have so many screens? Won't be long before the number of TV's matches the number of doors in the home, or surpasses it.

So, how many working screens do yall have in the house, and if it is at least 10, does it ever creep yall out a bit?

I mean seriously the majority of my family's time of the day is spent outside, why the hell would we think we need so many screens?

[edit on 10/11/2007 by DYepes]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 11:03 PM
How many screens? sheesh, well, in this room there are 5, thats, 3 labtops, a 19 inch monitor, and a little Tv, then in the living room there is just the one tv, uptairs theres a computer and another labtop, so yeah, thats 8, theres more, but there arent in use.

and no, I do not get creeped out or anything, I would love more monitors and screens.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 11:15 PM
Man I am starting to get creeped out. the only thing I watch on Tv is in the morning when I get up with my son and we watch CTTV (City of Tampa Television). I enjoy watching how my community is working on programs to make thd city a better place to live, and the City Council meetings which all throughout the week at different hours help keep me informed of the various developments and other issues going on in my community.

After a couple of hours of that while I do various chores throughout the home, I spend at least an hour outside with my son, until he takes his 2 hour nap (only 8 1/2 months) and i get around to reading and chilling online. By the time he wakes up, it is time for me to go to work, whereupon he then comes home with his mother becauseher shift has just ended.

I dunno man, it feels wierd.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 10:02 PM
My girlfriend and I live in a two bedroom apartment, and we've got three televisions. A 42" plasma in the living room, a 37" in the bedroom, and a 19" in the spare bedroom. If we're considering computers, there is a 19" monitor on my desktop and a laptop that I use.

So two people, two bedrooms, five screens.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 10:35 PM
Man I feel guilty revealing this... 9 screens.

3 LCD Display monitors. (19, 17 and 15 inches)
1 laptop
5 televisions... (various sizes)

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 10:48 PM
Wow, Beachcoma, that's a lot -- I only have two -- laptop and television. Although I have friends, couples who have 5 or 6 between apartment. Numerous computers scattered throughout.

This is an interesting topic since the postmodern age seems to be all
screens so far. Wish for a MAVLEV train start-up, get US travel moving again.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 06:49 PM
Got 1 in the computer room.
Got 1 in our game room.
Got 1 in our basement.
And my pride and joy 65' HD Tv in the Living room.

So we got 4 all together.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 07:03 PM
Let see! We have:

6 tv's (including my big 52" for football and nascar)
4 computers.

That makes 10 screens for 2 people and all are operational.

WOW and to think when I was growing up there were 8 kids and 1 tv that got 4 channels. On Sunday it was Wonderful World of Disney and Mutual of Omaha. During the week it Money Movie 7. Neighborhood kids would come and watch with us. Every 4 yrs was like a party, with kids from the neighborhood coming to watch the Olympics to see who would win the most Gold Medals.

Now there are 2 of us, we have 6 tvs, over a 100 channels and there is nothing good on unless there is football, Nascar or 24. Go figure.

[edit on 15-10-2007 by IrishLass]

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by pshkwamy

And todays purchase? a 26 inch lcd hdtv/monitor, soo what is that now, 9 I believe.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 07:07 PM
Four television screens and one computer screen. So five all together.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 07:15 PM
7 screens I can see.+-

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 07:52 PM
I read somewhere the thing you have to be most aware of is that tivo thing. Seems the cable company can turn it on to listen in on your private home conversation for marketing research and targeting. I would think this is true with those cable internet phones as well.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 07:59 PM
Too many screens..... three. And I notice days when I switch none of them on as the best curiously enough?!

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 09:10 PM
i have 2 computer monitors and 5 television screens in my house

i also have a psp screen and a nintendo ds screen and 3 digital camera screens

i have one screen door that leads to the back yard

my house has 17 windows, all with screens

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 10:03 AM
lets see
it's just my wife and i
51 HD in the living room
32 in my 'man cave' as my wife calls it
19 in our master bedroom
27 in the sitting room
27 in the garage
my psp

so 8...lets call it 7 cause the psp don't really count.

i have more that are not hooked up. couple tv's stashed in the closet and basement. older 13 inch chilling out.
my mom in law just bought a new one and i am about to get their oldschool floor model....stick it in the basement and do something with it

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 03:09 AM
I did not want to include protable media devices, because I feared we would get carried away about counting calculators and microwave/vcr/coffee make clocks and such.

I suppose we can count portable media devices, and define single line numerical screens as irrelevant though?

Has anyone bothered to calculate exactly how much time out of everyday is spent individually on a screen? Or How this has affected humans in a society? How has this shaped us in comparison to people in parts of the world who do not on average have an hour of screen time in a single week?

I dont want to sound an ass, but if I may just pose a couple of more questions to drive this further than anyone may have thought.

Do those people currently living in the modern world who have little to no access regularly to a screen appear more often than not in a poorer financial situation, affecting their way of living of course?

How much money would the cost of every screen purchased, and the cost of running the screens (subscription, taxes, fees, energy) add up to?

how could that amount be utilized to assist those without regular access to screens (besides lettign them have screens)

When I ponder those questions in my head, and then just be completely honest with myself, that is why I got creeped out, and still do. Because I do not know if it is currently possible for me abandon screens. Physically and mentally? Very possible. However, not very probable.

Is it believing that we cannot live without it made us less capable to assist those closest to us? To assist anyone at all?

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