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For backpackers, runaways, and bumbs (basically drifters)

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posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 10:36 AM
A) It should be a day where the law requires jobs hiring not to require a place of residency from a job seeker. This way bumbs can get some footing in society to prosper instead of being called lazy by ppl who choose not to understand them and instead of being forced into panhandling which the ppl dont like.

B) It should be a day where there are city maintained public shower buildings that hold free soap and free lotion. Tired of dirty/smelly ppl who you can tell live on the street that could help themselves if they only had a certain place to clean up at.

C) It should be a day where certian particular foods (fruit related) are free and are grown by some specific vines and trees placed throughout each city to be picked by anyone passing by that is hungry.

^^^What say you to A, B, & C?

Why in this day and age isnt this a reality? Society should make it so ppl can live life as a drifter if they choose to. Then ppl may be free from the grip of having to be paying property taxes and free from living so confined and restricted. Ppl would be able to move along as they feel from location to location. Wouldn't it be so so hip? Then anyone could go into hiding if they feel they should for whatever reason (like self-defense). This would be as an alternative to somehow freeing up land areas from the current government just for a shot to live on one's own terms and provide for oneself. Who'd pay for it? Tax payers who all should put in to help the less fortunate.

Next time anybody plant a tree it better be one that bares some kind of eatable food to benefit the drifters of society.

Anyhow, get whoever in power to put in place A, B, and C. Do your part by e-mailing this to as many as you can. Or link em to this post so they can read it and help bring it into reality.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 10:36 AM
Imagine life without having to pay for a house or rent an apartment. As a drifter, that is working of course, you'd be able to save up major mula for whatever whenever in your journey. Without a place of residence who could find you to serve you a court order? No one! You'd be involved in untouchable living.

Haha, nobody says they want to be a drifter when they grow up. But it may just end up happening for whatever reason. You never know if you have to become one some day so lets get what I propose into reality through the proper channels.

Right now to go into hiding is hard because you have to know somebody down for you so that you can stay with them at their place till things cool off. And we all know not in all cases do things cool off.

The right to bare arms?! I present you with the ideal resources to drift! Just put them into reality to live the modern american dream.

As a drifter you dont have to worry about getting paid much from a job, you know? Because aint like you need all the money to rent out an apartment/house. I tell you, it would be fun being a drifter cause you get to camp out and get closer to living how they did a long time ago.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 10:59 AM
Ive been searching for this my whole life. Your solution wont work because the showers and food will be public and abused. Employers dont want to hire someone without a residence because they believe it is a sign of instability. Frankly it is.

The only way to set people free is to abolish property taxes. Once you own land and never ever have to pay another cent for anything you are free and clear to live on that land. Fish that land, hunt that land, farm that land, build on that land with lumber from that land.

The catch is getting the land. There are plenty of places in this country where acreage can be had for $200 per, less even. 10 acres is plenty to live on depending on land growth, fertility, bodies of water.

You end the property tax and I'll sell off everything I currently own for supplies and equipment and civilized society will never have to see me again.

Property tax is the new slave master. You need money to pay it. You need an income for money. An income requires you pay income taxes, medicare, SS, and on and on and on.

Just let me live free and die alone on my land. You cant do that in America anymore.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Amen, brother. I'd buy again in a heartbeat if property taxes were abolished. I was forced to sell my house last year when my taxes were doubled, virtually without notice.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Hear, Hear!
Property tax is the death of property rights.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 06:18 AM
I don't know, I think the out of the last five employees that were hired in my shop, at least three were staying at the shelter down the road awhile after hire till they got the money to get a place of their own.
as far as their work performance, I think it ranges from mediocre to good really. At least in the place I am living at, there are more jobs than there are people, and well, the employers who aren't really paying that much are desparate enough to hire whoever walks in.
My employer is really a pretty fair man, and these are single guys, if they work good, are there when they are susposed to be, well, they'll get the bonuses and the raises, and well, once they are established, there are plenty of better paying jobs they can land.
At least my employer will give the homeless person a chance. So I am sure there are others who will also....even if they are forced to by their desire to have such low starting wages....

after all, starting out at $6.50 an hour, one would hope that the person didn't have a roof over his head to pay for, since, well, he'd starve trying to pay it!

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by Mabus
A) It should be a day where the law requires jobs hiring not to require a place of residency from a job seeker.

Having lived in a shelter I can assure you that there are many companies that hire right out of homeless shelters.

This way bumbs can get some footing in society to prosper instead of being called lazy by ppl who choose not to understand them and instead of being forced into panhandling which the ppl dont like.

The majority of the homeless do not panhandle, most shelters hand out a per diem to the residents so that they may buy a coffee or whatnot, or they do in fact work. Only a small percentage goes about panhandling.

B) It should be a day where there are city maintained public shower buildings that hold free soap and free lotion. Tired of dirty/smelly ppl who you can tell live on the street that could help themselves if they only had a certain place to clean up at.

Most cities do have public showers, just some choose not to use them.

C) It should be a day where certian particular foods (fruit related) are free and are grown by some specific vines and trees placed throughout each city to be picked by anyone passing by that is hungry.

You would be surprised how much food is available to the homeless.
Wake up 7:30 a.m eat breakfast at shelter.
8:00 am eat second breakfast at a church.
8:30 am eat third breakfast in a drop in center
11:30 am eat lunch at the drop in center
12:00 pm eat second lunch at the residence
12:30 pm swing by the church for lunch
4-7 pm you again have multiple opportunities to eat dinner.

Society should make it so ppl can live life as a drifter if they choose to. Then ppl may be free from the grip of having to be paying property taxes and free from living so confined and restricted.

The problem with this is the fact the society would not be able to survive if no one had to contribute. The basic tenant of society is that everyone works for himself and the advancement of the group, you can’t survive totally on your own (well technically you can but would you want to? I wouldn’t I like being with other people, and enjoy the many befits of living in a society like post on the internet.), and if you were to give up this “confined” existence would you be willing to give up the benefits provided by society, eg government protection by the police and armed forces, the ability to travel about in relative safety, the infrastructure that provides electricity so you may have a refrigerator so your food may keep? I can go on but that would be pointless.

Who'd pay for it? Tax payers who all should put in to help the less fortunate.

So let me get this straight, you think that others should work to pay for your life style?

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 08:47 AM
I'm sure there are a few people out there who would think being homeless is fun....

But, I got a feeling that most don't.
most don't chose to be's more like crap happens, and then wham, bang, thank you man, get out!!

and you're out, on the street, no place to park all the crap you've collected through the years, and maybe even no warm place to rest your head at night. I've gotten a small taste of what it's like a few times in my life...and went nuts!
I've known others who got more, and well, I don't think they thought it was all that pleasant either.

One of those times when life went into the crapper on me, the good ole gov't social workers got involved, their solution....anti-depressants..
Well, I response to that, as well as to much of what is being suggested, is simply this....
I don't want something that I find today as intolerable, acceptable tomorrow, no thanks!

I would always be very appreciative for a meal if I was hungry, or a roof over my head if I needed one. but, in the end, not having my own roof over my head, or being able to buy my own food to cook in my own kitchen is very unacceptable to me, and should be for society.
so, let's say that we did plant fruit trees all over the place so that those few, very few, people who chose to live without a home won't be so hungry. okay, first, man does not live by fruit alone, this would not keep them from starving, and second, how long do you think it would take the ultra-conservatives amoung us to point at those trees, public showers, shelters, ect....and say to the ones who didn't chose to live that lifestyle...
"See, see all that we done for you, and here ya are still complaining!"

Our efforts should be at gearing people toward the real solution to their problems....employment with pay that will actually pay for their needs, not a bunch of programs designed just to convince them that their imperfect, usually unacceptable state in life is acceptable. And, in the long run, it would be alot less costly also!

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 09:43 PM
If you have a place to keep your clothes safe and well kept, and a place to keep your hygeine up, and a way to get to work, then you could certainly hold onto a job. It would be interesting if there were "stations" that made this possible. But I don't think taxpayers should pay for it. The users of it should pay for it, or willing charity.

There are many things about the typical "drifter" lifestyle that would be unacceptable. However, I think that not owning a house is perfectly acceptable. That alone is not going to make you a bad person.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 05:26 AM
interesting news story about the homeless....
25% are war vets...

so, I guess, in a few years, we might see an drastic increase in the problem?

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