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Developing theory about the last maya sun cycle

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posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 10:48 PM
I have a theory that might explain allot on why society is the way it is today.

I was watching a video interview on the 2012 official hope page website and began to formulate this. Much of it is a clone on what this man said is actually happening. I'll put in the link, its about 3 and 1/2 hours long (oh shi#) but its worth the watch. You get most information in about the first hour.

So, at the end of the 4th sun, and the beginning of the 5th, the way people think was altered. This happened shortly before genesis was written. The vedic civilization were all spiritually enlightened, and used 100% of their brains, they were born this way. When the 4th sun ended and the 5th began, aliens came and genetically altered the human race to create the modern us. This is genesis 6, the creation of modern man. The aliens effect on the DNA was letting the EGO take control of the mind instead of the conscious/chi/aura having full control. They in effect limited our brain capacity to the 11/12% we use today. This bad DNA can be overcome by yogic, ninjitsu, or other spiritual teachings. So people today can become spiritually enlightened, but are no longer born spiritually enlightened. This also explains original sin, as people more than 5,000 years ago did not have original sin. Satan attempted to take over the earth long ago, but failed with all the enlightened people. For Satan to accomplish his great feat of dominating the earth, I think he effectively needed people to become, well, dumber. This alien intervention to spoil our DNA, get us focused more on the egotistic things (materialism, war) and not spirituality geared things. War has only been around for after the 4th sun, no war instruments were found before the fall of the 4th sun. This says after our DNA was altered, things like lust, greed, war, etc were able to come into domination over love, caring, peace. Different religions were created, not only by expression through culturalism, but as a form of control. No mainstream religion even speaks of enlightenment, or offers it. Its like a matrix was created, but long ago.

Not that is very 'off the wall', but I believe it to be true. I expect everyones ego to deny this and repel it, its a normal reaction since we are all using the ego instead of real, true, consciousness. We want to rebel against such ideas, which is again, a normal reaction. The past 2600-4000 years makes allot of sense if you accept this.

If this is specifically true or not, its very obvious some type of control is happening in our world (by governments), and not control or censorship for the good of us, its PREDATOR and PREY like control. Ladies and gentleman, we have a freaking parasite and a huge problem. What are we going to do about it?
Why must we live here? I understand its frustrating that wedid not sign a paper agreeing to live in this place, or had a choice to come here when our parents bore us. What are we to do? Whats going on and wtf can we do to fix it?

I would much prefer if you watched at least an hour of the vid (all preferable) before posting, and not just posting from what I said.

[edit on 10-10-2007 by 1337cshacker]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 06:36 AM
I also believe there is a lot of truth to the Mayan Codex's.... I've only really just started researching this subject for myself but from what I have read and seen I believe there is some truth to there fantastic predictions from their various cycles and calenders..... I will watch this video with great interest. cheers

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 06:41 AM
Yeah I've seen this video. Michael Tsarion if I remember the name. Very interesting. I recommend another video about 2012 by William Henry. It talks about the Earth being in a path of a starburst, which will saturate the earth with photons, allowing consciousness to rise and people becoming enlightened ( a vague summary).

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 07:06 AM
reply to post by 1337cshacker

I'll watch the video sometime soon.

I can say I agree with almost everything you say except maybe the "... and used 100% of their brains, they were born this way" statement, which is a pretty hard thing to consider. 100%... dont know.

But the rest is very reasonable.


posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 01:48 PM
Humm, interesting responses guys. I'm glad to think possibly I'm on to something here. About the path of photons someone mentioned, I have heard of that as well but don't know much about it. I hope to become enlightened soon with the ninjitsu teachings and meditation I'm practicing. If someone could link some info I would appreciate it. Good day!

[edit on 11-10-2007 by 1337cshacker]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 02:17 PM
for some insane reason this all makes sense, and makes me think of dick cheney and his bio-weapons program i read about. Is dick cheney satan?

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 02:33 PM
I came across the works of Michael Tsarion a few months ago. He has made some interesting documentaries under the series title "Origins and Oracles".

As a part of this series he has a more indepth version of his thesis on 2012 in his documentary "2012 where history ends". It is a bit more indepth and is about eight hours in length.

The positive thing about Michael Tsarion is that he actually responds to his emails, if you have a sensible question. His contact details can be found on his site

He also has a monthly internet radio conversation on various topics on the swedish site They have a pretty good archives section.

Michael Tsarion has some interesting theories but with all things you need to keep your objectivity. I hopes this helps your research into the 2012 and mayan calendar area.

Other people you might want to check out are Erich von Daniken, Ian Xel Lungold and Graham Hancock. All these guys have interesting theories in this vein of research.

edited for spelling

[edit on 11-10-2007 by djaybeetoo]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by djaybeetoo

I came across the works of Michael Tsarion a few months ago. He has made some interesting documentaries under the series title "Origins and Oracles".

As a part of this series he has a more indepth version of his thesis on 2012 in his documentary "2012 where history ends". It is a bit more indepth and is about eight hours in length.

The positive thing about Michael Tsarion is that he actually respond to his emails, if you have a sensible question. His contact details can be found on his site

He also has a monthly internet radio conversation on various topics on the swedish site The have a pretty good archives section.

Michael Tsarion has some interesting theories but with all things you need to keep your objectivity. I hopes this helps your research into the 2012 and mayan calendar area.

Other people you might want to check out are Erich von Daniken, Ian Xel Lungold and Graham Hancock. All these guys have interesting theories in this vein of research.

Indeed, and I'll check out his site thanks.

Originally posted by mastermind77
for some insane reason this all makes sense, and makes me think of dick cheney and his bio-weapons program i read about. Is dick cheney satan?

I don't this so, In bible code it says anti-christ is born in 1946. It was taken from not the king james, but original torah.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by 1337cshacker
Not that is very 'off the wall', but I believe it to be true. I expect everyones ego to deny this and repel it, its a normal reaction since we are all using the ego instead of real, true, consciousness. We want to rebel against such ideas, which is again, a normal reaction. The past 2600-4000 years makes allot of sense if you accept this.

If this is specifically true or not, its very obvious some type of control is happening in our world (by governments), and not control or censorship for the good of us, its PREDATOR and PREY like control. Ladies and gentleman, we have a freaking parasite and a huge problem. What are we going to do about it?
Why must we live here? I understand its frustrating that wedid not sign a paper agreeing to live in this place, or had a choice to come here when our parents bore us. What are we to do? Whats going on and wtf can we do to fix it?

I would much prefer if you watched at least an hour of the vid (all preferable) before posting, and not just posting from what I said.

[edit on 10-10-2007 by 1337cshacker]

i think this theory is just an excuse for human beings to wash their hands of their own imperfections and failings.

even if it had more evidence than there is for the earth being round, it wouldn't make a difference to the fact that it just shifts the blame.

own up. take responsibility.

say the leaders of the "NWO", or the aliens who poisoned our DNA, or whoever, went on trial for crimes against humanity and all that. they were found guilty on all counts and sentenced to every conceivable torture, every conceivable humiliation and degredation, and then after all this, sentenced to death by the medieval technique of abdominal splaying (being awake and watching while your internal organs are delicately removed one by one until you die).

who would step in and say, "hold on, i'm just as guilty here. let them have freedom. i'll take the wrap myself."?

any one who claims to be 'egoless' or 'unattached' or 'perfect ninja' or 'whatever' should be able to do this without any qualms at all.


non-ego takes responsibility. non-ego admits fault. non-ego accepts blame. non-ego even accepts the punishment due to others. and PERFECT non-ego does this on behalf of everyone else. if you've read your lao tse or your new testament, you should know this clearly by now.


ego resists responsibility. ego denies its own fault. ego shifts the blame onto others. ego is a hyopcrite.

" He who takes upon himself the humiliation of the people
is fit to rule them.
He who takes upon himself the country's disasters deserves
to be king of the universe." - Lao Tse

"take up your cross and follow Me" - Jesus Christ.

forget those bible codes. read the words and live.

[edit on 11-10-2007 by sollie]

[edit on 11-10-2007 by sollie]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 09:32 PM
sorry i didn't want to come across sounding like i'm grilling some steaks on the bbq there ^^^
just my honest food for thought.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 11:29 PM

This is a, let me say again, A THEORY.

I am not having any problems in my endeavor in ninjitsu, it is a great challenge YES, but it is going smoothly. There is no "perfect ninja", just a ninja. I do not claim myself to be ninja yet, but only on the path to 'become'. I prefer not to be officially labeled one, as this will give exposure coupled with identity. Having it a personal quest, seeking information, is much more subtle.

To be totally honest, ANYONE can do what I do, any person. There are no tricks or shortcuts, but everyone has the ability. Do not look at me as super natural, although I am not just an 'intellectual bi-pedal' like everyone else chooses to be. I respect their choice.

You do not know my lifestyle therefore you have zero merrit with anything you say against that. I was just working on my natural camouflage technique not just an hour ago, because tonight was a new moon. I have performed my chi movements and meditation for today. I do not consider myself "unattached" from society yet, as I know how to survive on my own but choose not to for the time being, I have work to do here in this place.

This is a life long quest I am on. I have been on it now for only 2 years, but the benefits are real, practical, and exist. I can not say exactly, but it depends on how hard I work until I am a true shinobi, possibly many many more years. My pre-ninjitsu life was terrible, this and god have brought me a peace you cannot understand.

If you have a problem with bible code, take it up with god. Not everyone understands the chance of it being random, or being a fluke, well, there is no chance. The equations are exact. It would be odds 1 to 50 trillion of it being chance. If you are going to put a code for the human race anywhere, why not the most published book ever?

"sorry i didn't want to come across sounding like i'm grilling some steaks on the bbq there ^^^
just my honest food for thought."
Now try my recipe of honest words for yourself. Further, this thread is not for this discussion. Get to the actual meaning of the topic (does not include your attempt to debunk it) or do not post. (Please
) If you MUST say something more, take it up in u2u, I do not wish to divulge further information, as anything I have ever posted in these forums (pertaining to this), is very carefully controlled information.

[edit on 11-10-2007 by 1337cshacker]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by 1337cshacker

my post wasn't an attack on your pursuits, nor an attack upon the factual basis of that theory.

it was an observation, rather, of the existential effect of that theory. which is to blame others for the problems of the world instead of taking responsibility for our own part in those problems.

i only mentioned ninjitsu in relation to you saying it was one of the pursuits to overcome the problems of ego. i do not disagree with this. yet i don't think we can totally overcome ego in this mode of existence. i think we await transformation from God.

it is presumptuous though to say that people who disagree are operating out of ego. i disagree on the basis that this theory shifts the blame onto others when in reality we are all guilty of the imperfections caused by ego-centered life. not on its factual merit. i made that clear in the first post.

my post was directly relevant to the theory you presented.

the theory locates the blame in aliens tainting out DNA. i suggested that shifts the blame that rightly lies within each of us.

what i didn't see you do is actually address the objections i brought to this theory. but it doesn't matter. it's there for all to judge for themselves.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 12:49 AM
it seems you suggested you are not operating out of ego because you find this theory credible, whereas others will reject it because they are ego driven.

so my challenge to anyone who is without ego: take the blame upon yourself.

before we blame outside agents, we should be willing to blame ourselves. and if we punish outside agents, we should be willing to punish ourselves.

because who can throw that first stone?

that's all i'm saying. keep doin your thing man. ninjas are cool.

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 08:05 AM
Yep I watched all the film, was pretty interesting stuff actually.
Not much for me to disagree with except maybe when he speaks of alien visitors being the "traumatic experience' that altered the way we think. It is more likely to have been an event in the cosmos that violently effected things here on Earth.

Good vid tho, recommend it.

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by NathanNewZealand
Not much for me to disagree with except maybe when he speaks of alien visitors being the "traumatic experience' that altered the way we think. It is more likely to have been an event in the cosmos that violently effected things here on Earth.

Good vid tho, recommend it.

Thanks. Interesting, what even in the cosmos would you suggest would be capable of doing such thing?

posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 01:53 PM
i'm trying to follow the thread....

but i'm stuck...the title says;
A.) Developing theory
B.) about the last maya sun cycle

does (A.) mean that your presenting your theory and letting it evolve,
grow, & change, thru replies by other members?

or are you encouraging mutual collaboration to develop a new theory?

does (B.) the term 'last', does that mean the previous sun cycle? (the 4th)
or does it mean building on the conventional model that we are in the
midst of our current (and last) 5th Sun cycle....
and your developing a theory on how
this 5th Sun cycle will end, in calamity??


posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by St Udio
i'm trying to follow the thread....

but i'm stuck...the title says;
A.) Developing theory
B.) about the last maya sun cycle

does (A.) mean that your presenting your theory and letting it evolve,
grow, & change, thru replies by other members?

or are you encouraging mutual collaboration to develop a new theory?

I hope we can discuss and develop this through, because this is a subject that has been forgotten for many many centuries, and it's just now that the masses are awared of it, so we still do not all the answers yet.

Originally posted by St Udio
does (B.) the term 'last', does that mean the previous sun cycle? (the 4th)
or does it mean building on the conventional model that we are in the
midst of our current (and last) 5th Sun cycle....
and your developing a theory on how
this 5th Sun cycle will end, in calamity??


Some people say that the mayan calendar was about only 4 cycles of repeating creation and destruction. That we live in this 4th cycle right now and when this one ends, there will be no more cycles.

Personally I don't believe this, because the mayan calendar is round, isn't it?
If it was a SQUARE I could say: "OK, so they predicted (observed) that there are only 4 cycles, and when this ends, that will be it."

But the calendar is round, so I believe that what the mayans observed is that the 4th cycle is the LAST cycle for THEIER civilization.

Now, if that is true, why are the mayans "extincted" for some many centuries"? Just to throw some ideas, some people say that they (the mayans) have been long waiting for their gods to return and to end the 4th cycle. What happened is that the europeans got in the americas before their gods, and the mayans, believing those white and taller people were theier gods at first, offered little to no resistane at all, which helped the mass killings that took place.


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