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black and white??????

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posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 09:28 PM
I have often questioned leaders of all cultures the definition of race. I have found that there is no such thing. Please understand that black and white are colors not cultures. Think about the applications you fill out for a job. Black, White or other. What would the other write down? Chinese? Latino? Scott? Native American? In other Nations, they are asked.. what is your nationality. What is your culture. Even African American is offensive if you were born in America. Is there a space for European American? Britt American? What would you call a fair skinned ancestor of Europe born in America? How about a Brittish person who ancestor came on the Mayflower with Columbus? Question: Is continuing a created division of cultures not insane? Can you define Race? Should the Nationality of people born in America be hypenated as: American Chinese? American European? American African? If a fair complected man with blonde hair and blue eyes go to Germany, is he a white man or American? How about Cuba? Is he white or American? If a Latin person come to America and have a child is he/she Latino or Latin American or American Latino? Don't think words make a difference? Identifiy someone by their color today.. and think.. what type of information this gives me? Culture? Nationality? Spirituality? Customs? Tradition?... no.. just color. Are we intelligent enough to know the difference here in America and change it?

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