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Homosexuals -- Are They Born or Made? The Debate and Discussion.

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posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 07:17 PM
This is an issue that I have personally heard argued time and time again and I felt I'd bring it to ATS.

Are homosexuals born gay? Or are they made gay as a result of growth and environment?

There are many theories in regards to this issue. Many people feel that some people are just born gay, while there are others that feel gay people are made as a result of issues in their early life and their environment. Some people even go so far as to say that homosexuality is nothing more than a genetic defect.

It is my opinion that there are indeed people who are BORN gay and people who are gay because they choose that particular lifestyle for reasons of their own. I will give examples of each case.

I had a friend when I was younger, I'll call him Joe. Even when we were 4 and 5 years old, Joe strayed away from the GI Joe's and such in favor of dressing up and playing with makeup. Naturally, being young, we didn't think much of it other than the fact that Joe was just girly. Skip ahead a decade and a half and Joe FINALLY comes out of the closet after many unsuccessful heterosexual relationships. Joe was DEFINITELY born gay.

Then you have another friend of mine, I'll call him John. John was always the boy of all boys. Loving to play football and rough house and absolutely HATED anything girly. Skip ahead a decade and a half and John has become the typical "mack" of the college scene. At no point does he EVER give any hint of digging guys. However, going into his 3rd year of college, he starts hanging out with a girl who falls into the category of what is commonly known as a "fag hag" (sorry, I don't mean this to be derogatory, I assume you will accept this and know what I mean). After awhile, the girl basically talks John into going into the gay club scene around here and after MUCH work on his part John completely changes and starts messing around with guys and ditches women altogether. You can see John now with one of his boyfriends and he looks so unnaturally gay it's almost unbelievable, yet he still remains with the lifestyle, which happens to be VERY popular around here. If there was ever a case of a "trendy" gay person, it is John.

So, my question is.....what is your opinion on this issue? Are the only "true" homosexuals ones that are born gay? Or is being homosexual ONLY a lifestyle choice?

If homosexuality is indeed a choice, would that make the issues of "gay rights" and "gay discrimination" a bit different than if homosexuality is indeed something you are born with? After all, most gay rights people equate their problems with the problems of blacks and other "minorities". This comparison is only plausible if homosexuals are indeed born and not "made".



posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 12:00 PM
real homo's are born gay fake ones are perverts past their prime TAKEI anyone???

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by SimiusDeiIf there was ever a case of a "trendy" gay person, it is John.

that should be in your signiature buddy thats one of the best lines ever

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