posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 03:48 PM
Ben tried the door but it was locked. He put his weight against it and
slammed hard into the door, breaking it partially open. Again, and this time
the door gave completely, allowing him entrance into the dark hall. From
his belt he pulled a small, clip-on flashlight and immediately turned it on.
He found the stairs and began to run up them two at a time. Third floor, he
told himself, third floor.
Heart pounding and lungs heaving, he arrived on the third floor landing,
panting heavily. He tried to quiet his approach, hoping to hear something
that might aid his search. The rain had picked up again outside and he
could hear it beat against the windows. A minute went by and he thought
he heard moaning coming from one of the rooms, so he headed in that
The girl lay off to the left, on the floor, as Ben entered the room. It took
his eyes a while to adjust to the dimness , and then he amazingly
noticed the large drawers in the center, and one drawer in particular that
was half open. Walking over to it, he saw the bloody face of Carl
Rossenberg, lifeless and abandoned. As he headed for the girl, who he
knew must be Laurie James, an explosion knocked him off his feet, and
probably broke his right eardrum. He crashed into the wall, fell to the floor,
and lay there trying to regain his senses. Booby-trap? Had he set off some
kind of booby-trap? As he checked to see if he had all his limbs, the girl
began to crawl towards him.
"Help me, please help me," she cried out loudly. "Please help me."
Another huge flash and explosion, . . .and Ben realized that the building
was being hit by lightning bolts. Already, that first strike that Ben thought
was an explosion had started a fire across the room, and the flames were
eating at the old dry wood as if famished. Ben sat up and the girl crawled
even closer. "Laurie James?" he asked her. "Yes", she answered.
"Who did this Laurie, who did this to you?"
"Daniel!" "Daniel did it!"
"Where is he? Laurie, where's Daniel?"
"Gone." "He's gone."
Later, out in the rain, Ben helped Laurie into the back seat of the squad
car and gave her a blanket. Closing the door, he looked up to watch the
old warehouse burn itself up. The rain would prevent the fire from
spreading, but in the morning there would be nothing left of the old
place. He went around to the front door, got in, and drove off slowly.
Inside the old warehouse, up on the third floor, an old morgue drawer
assembly had been turned into a roaring oven. One could almost hear a
scream coming from the oven, saying over and over, "I am Office Pog!"
From the back seat, Laurie leaned forward and asked Ben what day it was.
"The 31st", he said, "October 31st." Laurie sat back and smiled silently
to herself. October 31st! . . . . .Halloween! She had made it!
The End