posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 10:47 PM
You guys do realize that most of the symptoms that are from the "radiation" that people have claimed are from DU are quite normal symptoms of heavy
metal poisoning, which can be caused either by the DU or the lead rounds?
Also, while talking about facts, you do realize that DU is so non-radio active that it is being used in hospitals now as radiation shielding around
the Xray labs instead of lead because it is more effective at blocking radiation with it's greater density?
If DU is doing anything to children and soldiers it is in the form of heavy metal poisoning, not radiation poisoning, and we need to be conserned
about that, however we can't fix that until we realize that it is HMP related not radiation related. DU is barely above normal background radiation,
about comparable to taking an airline flight.