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Have you ever been hit,abused or threatened by a spirit?

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posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 10:44 PM
I know that spirits can be cranky and abusive at times, but I truely would like to ask you about your own experiances and tell you about mine. But since this is a "Sensitive" subject, I want to say..I've been kicked, punched , scratched and threatened on many investigations through out 14 years and I still crave the adventure and findings from Investigating. Please let me know about your experiances?

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 11:50 PM
Several years ago I used to be more foolish than I am now. I was into trying to channel spirits and actively seeked them out. I was'nt on ATS then and really did'nt know much about what I was doing or what bad things I could let through in my clumsy attempts.

I had (probably still do have) a natural ability to draw them to me. Anyway after an "experiment" of mine "something" came through that made me feel threatened and terrified for almost three months until I finally figured out how to drive it away.

It never threatened me physically but emotionally it made me a wreck. I don't like to go into details over that ordeal though.

The closest thing I've ever gotten to being physically threatened was when I was trying to "cleanse" a house of what I thought was a "bad" spirit. When I went downstairs after I'd "had words with it" in a bedroom upstairs, a glass punch bowl that was sitting in the middle of the refrigerator slid to the edge then launched itself at where I stood. It barely missed me. There were two other witnesses to this.

I'm not into seeking any spirits now. Some of these things frightened me too much.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 12:34 AM
Hello Elaine,

"The closest thing I've ever gotten to being physically threatened was when I was trying to "cleanse" a house of what I thought was a "bad" spirit. When I went downstairs after I'd "had words with it" in a bedroom upstairs, a glass punch bowl that was sitting in the middle of the refrigerator slid to the edge then launched itself at where I stood. It barely missed me. There were two other witnesses to this."

Well these things do happen, actually more often then we want to believe. But I feel that "spirits" still believe that there not passed on and still can control things from beyond. "Living in denial" is the right term for these type of situations dealing with these angry spirits. But as I can relate, i've seen a common gardening rake fold up, I seen plates burst and pictures fly. But to me, these are only signs of anger, yet being punched in the stomach is to me a more agressive way of showing there love for me lol I got to say that you did the best you could of, you "tried" and nobody or no one thing is perfect in the act of removing these spirits. For instance, I am a active youth minister/Paraormal investigator, I tried to drive out a demonic spirit that had embeded its self in my moms house. I did everything that I could of to get rid of this minion that was terrifying my parents and causing mayhem through thehouse, it took a year for me and three other preachers (friends of mine) to drive this thing to my moms basement, and we trapted it there til i was able to find the source of it's power in that house. Which was my brothers ouiiji board and all his black majik items including a actual alter hidden in his closet. I burnt all the items including the ouiiji board and then after that ordeal, a month later, after resting and regrouping, we hit my moms basement, it was cold..a whooping 32 degrees, it was 65 outside, it's a natural dirt basement which was a problem, because of the dust being blown in our eyes, but to make this adventure short, we battled this minion and cast it out of my moms basement. Since then,its been peaceful there and i gave my brother a tongue lashing and my mom grounded him for a year. lol

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 02:23 AM
In '95 or '96 I had just had intimate relations with my fiance. As we lay in bed approximately 5 minutes later a 'prescense' appeared at the bedroom door. Not visible, but it might have well been a three headed dragon breathing demon and I felt the most primal feeling of hatred I've ever experienced. I like to think the crucifix hung on inner wall of entrance kept it at bay. Linda felt it as well. Being a 6'1'' 240 lb body builder I was immediately drawn into a lightning quick 'fight or flight' survival mode. I leaped from the bed and did my best roundhouse kick into bedroom doors entrance. Didn't connect with anything but the entity or evil feeling left immediately. It was so bizarre we really didn't talk about it again after a few minutes. The feeling of pure evil wanting to kill me was unexplainably palpable. Only once before had such a horrid feeling of doom, riding to a job with my assistant on Root road in Columbia Station, OH in the same year that too quickly passed. Ben, my assistant by the way is a 6'5'' 260lb Kentuckian who wouldn't blink at the devil. But when I (trying my best) to casually ask him if he all of a sudden got a real bad feeling, he looked over at me with saucer eyes and he was shaking. Never happened again. Whatever it was was pure evil. Sidenote, at this job I was at for seven years I was having some issues getting along with a German nurse coworker who was heavily involved in the occult and wicca. Could it have something to do with that, probably, since it has not occured again since leaving that company.

[edit on 8-10-2007 by jpm1602]

[edit on 8-10-2007 by jpm1602]

[edit on 8-10-2007 by jpm1602] Edited for grammar, clarity

[edit on 8-10-2007 by jpm1602]

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 07:42 PM
Hello JPM,

I got to say you have courage and not alot of ppl would take a risk at fighting a spirit, my hats off to you! But to answer your second question about the german co-worker andyour buddy, In 1996 my exmother-in-law put a "curse" on me right to my face over me trying to save my son from her evil grasp. She told me that I would be torn apart by demon dogs, I laughed and told her I'd pray for her wicked soul. Then a week later, I was driving my son to Mcdonalds to buy him a bigmack, when I seen two huge black as night dogs come running out of the cornfield we lived by and ran towards my truck, i told my son to start praying and I prayed as I ran these dogs over with my truck. It was like hiting a cow doing 45 mph, i stopped emeditly and checked my truck, my truck was damaged some but as I looked around, i seen both dogs crawl into the ditch, I simply grabbed my hand gun and knife, tracked them down, shot both of them and took a little piece of them , then dropped my son back off at home, headed to his evil grandmothers house and throw the piece of dog on her table, told her this sentence..."Faith is stronger then magic", then walked out. I did take my son back out later for his Bigmack. lol

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 09:58 PM
Wow scipp, that beats my experience all to heck. You took out the hellhounds as well. I hope we have no more experiences as that. This just reinforces this chick put a hex on me.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by scipp
Hello JPM,

I got to say you have courage and not alot of ppl would take a risk at fighting a spirit, my hats off to you! But to answer your second question about the german co-worker andyour buddy, In 1996 my exmother-in-law put a "curse" on me right to my face over me trying to save my son from her evil grasp. She told me that I would be torn apart by demon dogs, I laughed and told her I'd pray for her wicked soul. Then a week later, I was driving my son to Mcdonalds to buy him a bigmack, when I seen two huge black as night dogs come running out of the cornfield we lived by and ran towards my truck, i told my son to start praying and I prayed as I ran these dogs over with my truck. It was like hiting a cow doing 45 mph, i stopped emeditly and checked my truck, my truck was damaged some but as I looked around, i seen both dogs crawl into the ditch, I simply grabbed my hand gun and knife, tracked them down, shot both of them and took a little piece of them , then dropped my son back off at home, headed to his evil grandmothers house and throw the piece of dog on her table, told her this sentence..."Faith is stronger then magic", then walked out. I did take my son back out later for his Bigmack. lol

And now a family is missing their two beautiful black labs...just joking. The only thing a "ghost" has done to me besides show itself was move a couch cushion when i left the room. I'm really not sure why that would happen, maybe some spirits have a sense of humor.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 11:22 PM
Spirits are with or within most of us. Simply going into a negative environment with a mind open to negativity can make one very vulnerable.

These are spirits and influences of negativity that we must overcome daily. Not to say there aren't positive beings as well.

Yet the power of a positive conscience brings clarity, eliminates such spirits, and guards one's being. It is very beautiful to experience the awesome power of true light. There is nothing to fear with such a luminous lantern; light can even seep into one's environment and effect one's surrounding (and vice versa with negativity).

More powerful beings possess us, often on a very subtle level. I can tell you that sometimes an old spirit seems to arise in me, a spirit that had entered in me a long time ago due to years of great negativity. Sometimes when one looks into the mirror, one can often times see this spirit through the eyes - literally. For in this case, one's eyes are not their own.


[edit on 8/10/2007 by Nyorai]

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 12:46 AM
I have never been attacked by one, but one did save me while pregnant from a terrible fall. I was up late watching tv, my two daughters were asleep in their room and hubby was asleep in our bedroom.

I was constantly getting up checking on the kids, one of them was sick running a slight fever and I was very concerned so I stayed up. I was watching a movie, my daughter's temperature had been normal for at least an hour, but the movie still had a ways to go so I stayed up.

At the time I did not know I was pregnant, though I was thinking I might be, I was very busy and did not keep track of things as well as I should have, I would find out at eight weeks for sure that I was pregnant and this happened when I was approx. 6 weeks.

That night I kept having the feeling I was not alone, but felt rather silly and just figured it was my imagination and worry.

Anyway here is some mundane info about the room setup, I had a couch and two chairs, all faced the tv and the tv was right beside the doorway going out into the hall.

Each time that I got up to go check on the girls I would walk between the couch and the coffee table straight into the hall, the couch was on the same wall adjoining the hallway, I would walk by the end of the tv stand but not directly in front of it.

I had gotten up every 5-10 minutes checking on the girls going the same route each time, then I saw on the table beside one of the chairs directly across from the couch a glove that belonged to my oldest daughter, I was back then on a real clean tangent, I took spells with perfectionism on housework back then, nothing out of place was allowed during those times.

So since I was going into the girls room anyway I went around the coffee table and picked up the glove to take with me to put away in their room, this took me around to where I passed directly in front of the tv to get to the hallway. I walked very fast back then, people often told me to slow down, when they could not keep up with me.

And that's when it happened, I walked into something that I could not see, though I had an overhead light on, the room was lit well enough to read had I wanted to. If one can imagine an invisible brick wall and walking into it at a fast paced walk and the impact that would have, I was thrown back totally off balance, the floor beneath me was concrete covered with a thin layer of carpet, (I don't know if anyone recalls the old indoor outdoor carpeting that barely had a thin layer of rubber backing on it).

I was thrown back so violently due to the impact and speed of my walk that I had no time to even try and twist around to catch myself I was going down on my back, Just as my body was a few inches from hitting the floor, something really even weirder happened, some strong hands reached out and got me by my shoulder and ankle firmly picking me up, for a few seconds I was levitated in mid air because no part of me was touching the floor.

It set my foot firmly down on the floor and the hand on my shoulder slid down to my wrist as it straightened my body to a standing position and when I was totally standing safely it let go of my wrist. I stood there for a few seconds in shock, realizing that I had walked into and been saved by an invisible person. I said "Thank You", and stepped to the side as far as I could and ran to my bedroom and held onto hubby for dear life. I left the tv on.

Whatever it was it had been standing directly in front of the tv, as crazy as it sounds I think it had it's back to me and was actually watching the tv or maybe absorbing the electrical energy from it. I think the fact that I had taken the same route all evening was why it felt safe standing there and ignoring my walking through the room. Until then I always thought spirits could never take a solid form, but this spirit was solid.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 03:07 AM
"And now a family is missing their two beautiful black labs...just joking. The only thing a "ghost" has done to me besides show itself was move a couch cushion when i left the room. I'm really not sure why that would happen, maybe some spirits have a sense of humor."

(Osobad28): " spirits do have humor at times" , although it may not seem very funny when it happens to us, but later it kicks in and we laugh, ofcourse after the tears are dried up lol

What a awesome story, to me, I bet that wasn't a spirit at all, but i bet that was your guardian angel watching tv and watching over your family? To my knowledge and experiances with the Paranormal, I would say that you and your family are well loved. But if that was my mom and our family, it would surly be turned around, the tv would make noises, the house lights would blink, and my mom would hit this invisable wall, be thrown down and beat, scratched, and pumbled into a hidiuos mess. lol I guess it's just our family "curse" lol

But heres another episode out of my favorite journal that I really love, this spirit must of had a bad day, because it left me laying on the floor dazed and confused. I was Investigating my old neighbors garage, which..(we'll call her "Sue" for legal purposes) Sue had hounded me for over a month to come check out her garage. She says its haunted, I say it was born there lol But anyway, I searched this garge, which was a two-car garage. It wasn't well lite, so using my flashlight, I explored the entire garage. Well, I did some voice recording and had taken pictures, but back then, I didn't have the equipment that I have today. So after a hour, I started wrapping up on the investigation. Well, as I was ending my vocal chat with Sue's garage ghost, I made a little error, I provoked it, not in a bad way, but i called it a "wuss", hmmmm..maybe not my best words of choice for this situation, but by god it did the trick. As I turned around to grab my bag, I heard a shuffling sound in the back of the garage. I swiftly turned to see what it was, in the corner, I shined my light and there was a garden rack laying against the wall of the garage. It started shaking, I thought "oh come on", or maybe said it as well at the same time (remembering here), but then the rack, like in a strongman competition, bent itself into a "U" shape.....scary huh? Well that got my blood to pumping, so I reached back into my bag and grabbed my poloroid camera, I squated down to take a picture of the rake and Bammm..I seen a blur come from my right side of my eye vision, and after Sue woke me up several minutes later ( Thank God for Sue), I had a brick laying next to my head, and a huge goose egg the size of a baseball on my right side of my forehead. Now do I dare ask the question: "Was it mad"? I think it was having a bad day and I was it's only reason for "leting go of some fustration". lol

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by scipp

Did you end up getting any EVP's or did anything unusual show up in the photographs? As much as I would be scared from that incident I was also be very pissed off at it LOL.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 02:18 AM

The Poloroid did catch a mist, but tape recorder was "dead", totally drained. But last year "Sue" passed on and her hubby destroyed the garage and rebuilt a barn where the garage use to be, so I'm still trying to get back there, just waiting for a phone

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 03:10 AM
Hmm abused, or threatined, or harmed? I don't know if you'd call this threatined or harmed.. but I did wake up to see the infamous shadow person over my chest region as some stories say. Though the 'stories' say the 'ghost' was trying to suffocate the 'victim' I felt no pressure on my chest. I simply turned on my radio and there it was. while i laid in bed, I jerked forward with my arms in front of me in a shoving motion and it dissapated in what looked like smoke. was very strange.. strangest of anything thats happened to me. =P

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 09:26 AM
we recently moved to a new flat and there was alreay furniture with it including a mirror.
well i moved the mirror and then a couple of days later cuts kept appearing on mike(my fiance) and i thought maybe he caugt himself or something ten he was sitting on our computer and i was looking at him while we were chatting and right infront of my eyes four cuts just appeared on had his face from no where i wasnt near him and his hand were on the keyboard and started to bleed realy bad.
when he stopped bleeding it looked like someone had swipped him.

a couple of weeks later i kept seeing red eyes.
and mike saw some one walk across the mirror ut he said it was sort of inside the mirror and they were wearing a long black coat but he couldnt see a face.

in the end i put the mirrror outside the flat in the hallway and the lady next door asked if she could have it and with in days she started to complain of head aches and kept seeing a man in black in the corner of the bedroom the mirror was in so she got rid of it.
we never told her thereal reason we wanted to get rid of it we just said we didnt like it really i didnt want her to think we were mad.
when she told me what was happening i told her then.
w all agreed to through it and soon after we havent had any problems and it been gone about two months now.

ive never experienced anything like this.
i have experienced nice ghosts helpful ones and just ones that didnt really bother me but this ghost if it was a ghost really scared me

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 09:40 AM
had a glass thrown at me

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