posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 09:11 PM
If you are considering where to head in the afterlife you should consider your options very carefully. I have seen advertising booklets from
Christians, Jehova's Witnesses, etc. with nice pictures of paradise. Their rendering of paradise looks tempting in many respects. For instance, the
scenery is great, the air is clean, and people seem to live in harmony in peaceful communities. However, there is a catch. In some pictures men
appear to be toiling, harvesting the earth, picking large amount of fruits and vegetables for communal needs.
It seems odd that we would toil here on earth for decades only to end up as hard working farmers in paradise. While this is certainly better than
going to hell, it would appear that one can do better by considering Islam. For instance, if you strive to meet certain criteria you can secure a
place on a nice island inhabited by virgins. I don't know the deal for women, but perhaps someone can tell me. Now the island you get has bounties
of food, so there is no need to farm the land. Instead you can read books, or entertain the virgins, all according to your desire.