posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 07:44 AM
instead of thinking and talking on a global or national scale think and ACT on a smaller scale, as in yourself.
do what you can while you can, dont try to convince others of what you believe or what you are doing, only hope others catch onto it. lead by
example, not by what you say. if others follow your lead great, more can be done. if not then its no loss you're still doing your thing and things
are still getting done anyway.
i think the biggest mistake people make is preaching or talking to others and trying to convince them of what they think/feel/believe. its simply not
going to happen unless they want it to happen no matter how much you want it to happen, no matter how long you talk to them what you say or how you
say it is not going to make a difference. however concerning yourself with doing what you feel you need to do to make the world a better place DOES
help as you spend more time doing instead of talking.
i've already said too much and done too little here.