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Evolution is Key

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posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 10:05 AM
Evolution VS. Creation. The debate rages between two sides. This should end it.

The other day I was in an argument over the matter. A highly religious man told me that evolution was false because, "If evolution is how it happened then why are humans getting weaker instead of stronger?"

My simple reply was medicine. Because of medicine the weak aren't being killed off and there weak genes with them. Without natural selection the weak are being allowed to reproduce therefore allowing the species to become weaker.

For example, A disease wipes out a large percentage of the population leaving only those immune to the disease. They reproduce and their offspring are also immune. Thats how it was in the past.

Now, a new disease kills a few hundred. Everyone who gets sick gets a shot. They reproduce and their offspring get sick with the same disease. Evolution and natural selection didn't take place so the human race is getting weaker by allowing the weak to live.

This may sound harsh but thats the reality. We live in a harsh world and the weak should not be pulled along. The strong survive in every species for a reason. The weak dumb us down and are just a burden on society.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 10:09 AM
hitler had pretty much the same idea as you, thank god you are not a position of power, altruism is one of the reasons we are as advanced as we are

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 01:21 PM
My Opinion

Basically what fuzzy0087 is saying is true, humans do save the weaker people

and yes weaker genes are passed on.

Medicine and technology allow people who would have perished to survive

and live great lives and thats just who we are as a society and I'm guessing

that we have gained more valuable people of intelligence than we would

have if we let nature take it course.

So yes we have sacrificed natures way of making our species stronger and

more adaptable to current climates etc. but I dont think that matter much.

anyway thats my opinion


posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by Miishgoos

So what happens when the population reaches 12 billion, 15 billion,20 billion -when does it stop. What happens whe the gene pool is supersaturated with genes that cause many defects and diseases. What happens if we all become stupid through medicine and its effects on human evolution.

We all know that there are far too many people on the planet at the moment - we need a big meteor (I could think of many places for it to hit) or something like new diseases to wipe out half the worlds population then that might kickstart a bit of new evolution.


posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 05:26 PM
the problem is government trying to control evolution.
if the world was not so centralized nature would fix things in a hurry. centralization is evil, diversity is key.

so when people try and talk about one world government rember, they dont want it for kicks and giggles.

they are going to make chiuwawa's and great danes out of people...
man deciding evolution instead of nature...

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 03:44 PM
with these ideas in mind i just want aramageddon in whatever form it takes blow away econimy leave then those noble would people who generally care and we go back to our natural state i mean with evolution how did neadertals do what they did and atlatis what about alantis the facts are staring us in the face remove yourself from the goverment whilst you can and go evolve these belifs are based on a lot of things here those that follow 'titor' would agrer that what im saying maybe what is required to occur

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 02:48 PM
Response to the advancement of medication making our world even more weak under the presupposition that evolution is the norm. I would like to remind you that we also have created viruses(intentionally or unintentionally) and resistant strains of bacteria that undoubtedly are a threat to all of humanity. The necessity of stronger antibiotics have become a necessity to stop such virulent forms of bacteria, such as MSRA, VRE. The antibiotics necessary to destroy these super-infections are destroying organs in our body, such as kidneys and liver. Just an effort to give you more of a data base to make a more fair and balanced evolution vs. creation..

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 06:42 PM
It seems to me that this thread is not debating evolution vs. creationism, but rather the need to create a new forced evolution. The kind of evolution that people like some of you, I pray, would not in charge of, if it were even a possibility.

Maybe your question is not is it evolution or creationism ... maybe it should be why did "evolution" (if it ever exixted the way science has taught it in the state run school system) went so far as to create medicines, testings, procedures, etc. that are saving so many of the so-called weaker-gened humans.

I have often thought that people who believe so much in evolution simply do not want to be "ACCOUNTABLE" to God. That's what makes it so convenient that most of the true believers in evolution are non-Christians, while most Christians are creationists.

I guess this goes to show that some people refuse to have 'blind faith' and trust in a just and loving God ....... but those same people are willing to believe in a science that blindly puts faith in the idea that the human race evolved from apes.

What a sad conundrum.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by fndherway

I guess this goes to show that some people refuse to have 'blind faith' and trust in a just and loving God ....... but those same people are willing to believe in a science that blindly puts faith in the idea that the human race evolved from apes.

What a sad conundrum.

Science has predicted an awful lot more than God, Nostradamus, any of the Saints anything to do with religion. Science can give us answers before we would otherwise see them.

As for the other main debate, medicine has allowed us to get through weak times more easily, to get back to our strengths, and society by providing that support makes itself and all its members stronger. As for the population growth argument, the Chinese have developed something, population control.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 07:27 PM
as an athiest, its not that i dont wish to be accountable to god i truly do not believe there is a god i have absolutely no fear of what comes next. I do believe in evolution and that humans and apes share a common ancestor just like a jack russel shares a common ancestor with a wolf (bad example but its not a blind one). Science makes mistakes but corrects them, in a sense science evolves it only wants to understand and the only conundrum i see is people who pick and choose what they want from religion and then pick and choose what they want from science, if you believe the bible to be the word of god then you better damn live it to the letter and that is no easy life, me i'll take my chances with science be it right or wrong

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 07:43 PM
This question finally deserves an explanation.

Man has evolved only after being created!

The three races of Man came from the three species of Ape only after the R-brain was introduced, yes "R" for reptilian, by the missing link.
Asians (Mongoloid) come from Orangutan, Blacks (Negroid) come from Gorilla and White (Caucasoid, but not of the pastey variety) from Chimpanzee. Sephardic perhaps?

These three are the descendants of Noah.

The missing link is the blonde haired blue eyed reptilian shape shifter that runs the show.

Also, ever wonder why the Three Wise Men were comprised of one from each race?

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 02:36 PM
My Opinion

I don't care whats happens when the population reached that many!!

Thats just the way the cookie will crumble bud.

thats my opinion

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro
This question finally deserves an explanation.

Man has evolved only after being created!

The three races of Man came from the three species of Ape only after the R-brain was introduced, yes "R" for reptilian, by the missing link.
Asians (Mongoloid) come from Orangutan, Blacks (Negroid) come from Gorilla and White (Caucasoid, but not of the pastey variety) from Chimpanzee. Sephardic perhaps?
Do you just invent your own theories on human evolution, humans are not evolved from any of the great apes that we have on earth today but from a common ancestor millions of years ago

Also, ever wonder why the Three Wise Men were comprised of one from each race?
The 3 wise dudes or magi were probably Zoroastrian priests from Persia but then again no where in the bible does it actually say that there were three of them (which is only suggested due to the three gifts) - but thats only if you believe the story in the first place and nowhere does it state their racial origins.


[edit on 10-10-2007 by shihulud]

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by shihulud
..., humans are not evolved from any of the great apes that we have on earth today but from a common ancestor millions of years ago - G

[edit on 10-10-2007 by shihulud]

Common ancestors?
YES, I agree, but ancestors to both modern day Ape and Man, but something happened that allowed Man to evolve to where it is today.

I still say it was the introduction of the R-brain into our biology that has allowed Man to evolve at an extremely high rate.

Question is, how would primitive or Biblical man best describe something they knew nothing about, like DNA?

They would probably describe it as something resembling two inter-twined snakes.


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