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World Economic Forum to discuss ET tech usage by corporations

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posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 12:13 AM
The upcomming World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, will soon hold a closed door session on the possibility that corporations have received advanced technology from Extraterrestrial powers... by way of the US government. This is not just some cooky meeting of UFO enthusiasts and oddballs.. VP Dick Cheney is scheduled to be in attendance:
(Though printed in the Houston Chronicle, this story originates from the Bloomberg news service)

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 12:19 AM
What in the world?

Are we nearing disclosure or what? This reads like something out of Weekly World News, and I'm not even talking about the part where Boylan opens his fat trap. Maybe I've gotten too pessimistic on this subject, but I cannot believe an open and serious discussion on this topic with major names would take place.

As always, we're just going to have to wait and see.

[Edited on 24-1-2004 by heelstone]

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 01:26 AM
You know,

I don't want to sound overly optimistic... But I almost feel like governments may soon be forced to reveal 'something' because of things observed by the current Mars missions. Normally I would say that it will be years before official confirmation will occur... But, if the ESA's Mars Express probe (which I believe has a sub-surface radar) detects anything... or NASA concludes that the 'mud' photographed by Spirit is... mud... well... a floodgate may HAVE to be opened so as to get ahead of the story (and thus lead it).

The reason I've become optimistic, as of late, is that, even on afternoon call in shows (and not Coast to Coast type ones... but drive home from work political ones), people have been, lately, talking a lot about the possibility of ET. Sure, whenever a mission goes up this discussion occurs... but, in the last few months, popular Science, Popular Mechanics, National Geographic, Sky and Telescope, Natural History, and (I believe) Nature have all had cover stories either on ET intelligence or the possibility of ET life.

Also, note that the President visited Roswell the other day (he slept there, I believe). I can almost imagine a scenario where, late at night, he left the hotel with his protection and visited the crash site from 1947... As if to ponder letting it all out...

...but I have an optimistic imagination.

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 01:35 AM
Even if they were to find anything on mars, the government has every right to keep it from the public. Just because they might of recieved some message from space doesn't mean it's anymore imortant than ufo/alien activity here on earth.

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 01:40 AM
I'm not saying that anything (even weird stuff) that they might find on Mars is related to current UFO/abduction activity... Just that, if the government comes out and says, "Well, look, it turns out that there was running water on Mars for a long time, and some weird things are also up there", reporters will begin to press in and say, "well, if an alien civilization once existed on Mars, why can't one exist somewhere else now?" With greater media interest more people will leak the secrets... until, eventually, it's all out there, spilled in a way the government doesn't want. So, rather than let it get out of control, the government might, after acknowledging the Mars stuff, also bring out the current ET stuff... simply as a way to get on top of the story.

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 01:54 AM
Did some quick digging on the World Economic Forum's website, and can only find one mention of aliens in the program that is online. The mention is in regards to conspiracy theories. Nothing about corporations in cahoots with aliens or anything of that nature. Seems far more mundane and worthless, but who knows? This discussion has also already taken place according to the schedule.


[Edited on 24-1-2004 by heelstone]

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 02:11 AM
Prez Bush didn't stay in Roswell overnight. He arrived in the morning and left after he got a takeout lunch at a restaurant. However, he MIGHT have "looked at something" on his way to or from the airport.
I would not be surprised if companies are talking about ET inventions. I am not surprised at leaks, either. It is a gentle way to let the public know the ETs are here.

However, I would like to see all this "gentleness" and "leaking" followed up with a FORMAL ANNOUNCEMENT in a year or so.

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 02:18 AM
Yeah I read this two and did a double take, seems that disclosure is around the corner folks.

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by heelstone
Did some quick digging on the World Economic Forum's website, and can only find one mention of aliens in the program that is online. The mention is in regards to conspiracy theories. Nothing about corporations in cahoots with aliens or anything of that nature. Seems far more mundane and worthless, but who knows? This discussion has also already taken place according to the schedule.


[Edited on 24-1-2004 by heelstone]

I've seen this previewed, before, in other mainsteam publications... all of which underscored that this was not part of the public session, which the website covers/advertises. Also, not every 'mundane' topic is covered on the site, anyways.

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 02:37 PM
I have never been a fan of secert alien tech stories but now it does look like there might be something to at least some of it.

We will see

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 02:43 PM
well so we will find out in 2007 thats 3 years from now but we will see if true or not.

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 03:13 PM
cant find a thing on the world economic web page .. about this. the search engine comes clear zero about this story. only thing I find is a company called alientech.

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams
I've seen this previewed, before, in other mainsteam publications... all of which underscored that this was not part of the public session, which the website covers/advertises. Also, not every 'mundane' topic is covered on the site, anyways.
I hope you're right. I want this to be real, so I'm going to trust that this meeting actually took place regarding this subject.

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 03:29 PM
Interesting, but "FRAUD" ?

Im not sure if I believe this to be true. To think that every world leader would gather at a ski resort to discuss alien influence on our technology is quite the heavy burden for my shoulders to bear.


posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 12:31 AM
They had MANY other things to discuss...

Within the closed doors, this may just have been a 'what if' scenario posed to the guests... Though its very appearance as a topic suggest a growing openess to the UFO subject.

To be clear, though, I don't believe that Cheney sat down and said, "hey, you know fibre optics, integrated circuits, night vision..."

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams

They had MANY other things to discuss...

Within the closed doors, this may just have been a 'what if' scenario posed to the guests... Though its very appearance as a topic suggest a growing openess to the UFO subject.

To be clear, though, I don't believe that Cheney sat down and said, "hey, you know fibre optics, integrated circuits, night vision..."

Just since you brought them up...

Fiber Optics were patented in 1920.
History Of Fiber Optics

Integrated circuits were invented in 1958 by two seperate project working at the same goal.
Circuit Guys

Night-vision (specificly combat function ultraviolet and light aplifying goggles) was invented by the US military.

It was based on the known principles of light as well as many public efforts.

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 01:39 AM
Interesting, but I don't see that every world leader would met in the Switzerland alps to talk about alien influences on our technology, yet alone conduct buisness with ETs (like it first states in the first paraghraph). What technology? To me I see nothing that advanced; I'm still convienced human engineers and scientist, and what not ar the cause of our technology.

I would love to think we conduct buisness with aliens from a far off planet, but I don't see it. Now, if this article was on that would be freaky.......

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 02:11 AM
What they discuss behind closed doors is not what is published publicly.

There are always flies on the wall so to speak at all these secret summits, I think the leaks are intentional now.

Thinking about this topic I can only come to one conclusion, this summit is about world business and the globalists control over it, thus what they want to know is this;

Is anyone sneaking behind their backs to deal with the aliens for the purposes of making money at the detriment of the global system? This is what I think it is about.


posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 12:54 PM
If our government and corporations really are doing business with beings from other planets that would explain the fine print in many contracts. Maybe the aliens are small enough to read that kind of print. I know it can't be meant for us.
And if we are trading with aliens, what do the aliens get? Is that why Bush wants so much secrecy? If we could audit the governments books we could see if maybe there is anything disappearing, say minerals, or gasoline. Maybe alien space craft are using up our gas. Maybe they make margaritas with it.
Aliens or not I'd like to see a CATSCAN of W. Something just ain't right with that guy. Has anyone noticed if he has a preference for fine print documents?
Remember Dubya saying that we shouldn't tolerate conspiracy theories? I think its odd they would discuss that at the WTO. I wonder if it would be OK with Dubya to talk about real conspiracies? His position reminds me of a radio talk show I heard once. This guy calls in and says I have had it with you conspiracy theorists, blah blah blah, you don't know what you are talking about, blah blah blah... Then the talk show guest says (when he finally gets a chance to talk) that the caller needs to understand what he is saying (quote from memory) " I am a convicted CONSPIRATOR in a government conspiracy CASE. I served time in jail for being involved in the IRAN-CONTRA CONSPIRACY." I forget what show it was on. I wonder if the callers name was Dubya.
Here in America the way it works is you are innocent until proven guilty, people can speculate about you all they want because they have free speech rights. In Dubyas world- you are just guilty until proven innocent. Shut up. Keep your hands off my privacy. you got no privacy. You know what that is....unamerican.
Love it or leave it W.

[Edited on 25-1-2004 by tr]

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