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Memoirs From The Extreme Right-Wing Gestapo Channel

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posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 12:02 AM
Flying in from nowheres-ville some Aussie bastard named Rupert Murdoch changed American culture forever, and then some. He created a pseudo-intellectual branch of the establishment in the form of a slanderous, tabloid, news channel bent on chimping the Republican agenda, while millions of unsuspecting citizens just thought it was an alternative source of cable journalism.

Since Americans are not exposed to the nature of Murdoch's exploits in other nations, much less their own, they were subjected to the nefarious underpinnings of Right-Wing stalwarts such as Roger Ailes, (ex- RNC chair), William Bennett, Oliver North, ex-Republican strategist Dick Morris, as well as regular commentary from Jerry Falwell and Ann Coulter, on a regular basis. Their viewpoints regularly reflect those of their Republican masters but is a subtle, oh-so-well devised manner so as to perpetuate the charade that they are somehow "fair and balanced."

Because the American working class and the general public have no voice, this travesty of journalism was allowed to continue under a guise of ficitonal credibilty, since conglomerates, being what they are, are releuctant to point out the glaring inconsistencies and misrepresentations of what had been traditionally known in the mainstream culture as "fact."

Soon, the American people were subjected to forces beyond their control. A shoddy, bogus election in the year 2000 followed by tragic circumstances of terror and a media blitz to promote the invasion of Iraq, which journalists are still debating the ralionale(s) for to this day. While the various tragedies gained momentum, all sorts of "neo-conservative" religion was being bludgeoned on their skulls about patriotism, country, and the support of the supposedly elected "President," with flags flying all day long on the propaganda-ridden news network, perpetuating a plethora of nationalistic cliches, condescendingly talking down to an audience of followers, not aware of being led by the nose.

As the main source of American libel and slander, Fox News brought the culture down to a new level of muck-raking never before seen at this depth of deviousness. Soon the "Us versus Them" mentality became the standard of the day, and Rush Limbaugh became a syndicated columnist in the LA Times, while all forms of print media dumbed down and other cable news outlets followed suit.

Today, we have accepted it as the norm. A scum-filled, lowest common denominator, yellow-journalistic fever, worshipping celebrity and scoffing at the poor and unfortunate becomes the norm, allowing TV commentators to refer to poor nations as the "turd world." Newsmen everywhere are censored, and a new stink of collusion pervades the entire television miasma.

The new reporting is only interested in what makes a sound-bite. What is controversy, and what is dirt. And if it isn't dirt, if its regular and "normal" it gets ignored. Its an all-new game show entitled- "What's Your Perversion" where only the "reality" TV of sex, cynicism, and combativeness make headlines. A true news culture of pro-wrestling, devoid of content, and spitting on intellect and accusing the oppostion of being "un-American."

We get a lot more of less, thanks to Fox News.

Thanks Rupert.

Can you go back to Austraila now, and take your "news' channel with ya?


[Edited on 24-1-2004 by darkwraith]

[Edited on 25-1-2004 by darkwraith]

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 12:09 AM
LoL. Hell no. Stay in America!!!

We dont want Rupert Murdoch here. He already basically owns the media in Australia. WElla cutally he wns a god sized portion of it. I dont think he is ale to own any mroe than he already has at this point.

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 12:17 AM
I am not certain but I am pretty sure you have achieved a new level of ARROGANCE...

To think that you would spew your OPINION in such a way as to present it as FACT based on your intimate knowledge of details the rest of us poor unwashed , too ignorant to know any better, Americans aren't privvy to simply blows me away!

Has the minute possibility ever entered your mind that maybe, JUST maybe FOX is doing well because it does what it does BETTER than the "Big Three" networks?

Before you go off calling me an ignorant, brainwashed sucker for the Murdoch doctrine it might interest you to know that I DON'T watch Fox.

That being said, I find it HIGHLY insulting that you would publically deride my countrymen as a bunch of brainless boobs who have been guiled by a cable channel simply because YOU can't find anyother explanation for its success...

America is the bastion of free enterprise and open market competition, the BEST usually wins out. OBVIOUSLY Fox has found a formula that works for the TV viewing public. The fact that you can't stand the politics of Murdoch and his ilk is irrelevent.

PLEASE don't try to pin the swinging of the American political pendulum back toward the right on the contrived stupidity of the most altruistic, powerful and wealthiest people on the planet! It simply does NOT hold water...


[Edited on 1-24-2004 by Springer]

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by Springer
I am not certain but I am pretty sure you have achieved a new level of ARROGANCE...

To think that you would spew your OPINION in such a way as to present it as FACT based your intimate knowledge of details the rest of us poor unwashed , too ignorant to know any better, Americans aren't privvy to simply blows me away!

Has the minute possibility ever entered your mind that maybe, JUST maybe FOX is doing well because it does what it does BETTER than the "Big Three" networks?

Before you go off calling me an ignorant, brainwashed sucker for the Murdoch doctrine it might interest you to know that I DON'T watch Fox.

That being said, I find it HIGHLY insulting that you would publically deride my countrymen as a bunch of brainless boobs who have been guiled by a cable channel simply because YOU can't find anyother explanation for its success...

America is the bastion of free enterprise and open market competition, the BEST usually wins out. OBVIOUSLY Fox has found a formula that works for the TV viewing public. The fact that you can't stand the politics of Murdoch and his ilk is irrelevent.

PLEASE don't try to pin the swinging of the American political pendulum back toward the right on the contrived stupidity of the most altruistic, powerful and wealthiest people on the planet! It simply does NOT hold water...


[Edited on 1-24-2004 by Springer]

Beautiful Springer, beautiful.

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 02:47 AM
What I find most amazing is that a conservative like Rupert Murdoch can come from such a socialistic (labour), country as Australia. Simply amazing!

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by Springer
PLEASE don't try to pin the swinging of the American political pendulum back toward the right on the contrived stupidity of the most altruistic, powerful and wealthiest people on the planet! It simply does NOT hold water...

Darkwraith: It holds more water than the Hoover Dam.

It's Amrican capitalism at it' finest: Create a need for your product & then grow your industry round it.
Another Right Wing Media millionaire, Richard Melon-Scaife, wanted concessions from the FCC to facilitate the type of media monopoly we have now. He saw his horse in that race with GHW Bush. "THe Arkansas Project" - a concerted effort through Right Wing media outlets and pundits on mainstream media to promote the character assaination of Clinton - was financed by Scaife & given fully journalistic reign in all his periodicals, in order to ensure a Bush second term so the FCC could be owned.
That it never disbanded, is where Fox was born from. As were the careers of Ann Coulter ( a law aide doing the file digging against Clinton), Richard Snow, Rush Limbaugh, Roger Ailes ( former Bush campaing manager), et al.
The 'sell' was that Sunday morning talk got a hell of a higher Nielsen share if throbbing neck vein Reich Wing pundits were on( kind of like the way the WWF took off to be a publicly traded juggernaut). Souless media programming managers took notice, and followed to whore step pushing their versions of the same thing ( like why every network has a reality show now, there is never an original idea - just variations on a theme).
Fox is the only unapologetic of them, that's why they lead that market share. MSNBC, CNN, are trying to be Fox lite, but can't throw out all reasoned thought - that's why they're off the leader board.
Fox won't change because Murdoch knows that when the tides shift, he'll simply close down & put up a diffrent colored tent.
So there you have it: this "Amway" version of Right Wing media growth to it's monolithic state these days is purely the child of white America being sold a bill of goods that they are being 'disenfranchised' & under 'moral attack' by subversive 'Liberal' elements. It started in 1990, has become a tremendous industry, and has been parented by individuals who chair media giants as well as energy companies - both of which owning the Republican party.

[Edited on 24-1-2004 by Bout Time]

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Springer
...Before you go off calling me an ignorant, brainwashed sucker for the Murdoch doctrine it might interest you to know that I DON'T watch Fox.

That being said, I find it HIGHLY insulting that you would publically deride my countrymen as a bunch of brainless boobs who have been guiled by a cable channel simply because YOU can't find anyother explanation for its success...

With all due respect, you may want to actually watch FoxNews sometime before defending it. Those of us who monitor it religiously actually do know something about the BOOBS (as you say) it draws.

Below is the current (it changes) entrance to the Fox owned and advertised website of it's most popular weekday morning (getting ready for school time) "political pudit." For fart jokes and "Dummycrap" bashing (or to teach your kids to do the same), turn to FoxNews.
[img available at ]
Now I realize this image is inappropriate as hell, but if it offends here... does the mentality of MANCOW NEWS not offend Monday through Friday on America's top rated morning news as well?

Darkwraith is 100% correct in the "lowest common denominator" assessment of FoxNudes and it's copiers.

[Edited on 24-1-2004 by RANT]

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 11:32 AM
It was interesting in light of this post subject that FOX was the only network that did live coverage of the democratic debate in New Hampshire this week.

I guess the conspiracy here is that the Big three conived not to show what a bunch of boobs the current crop of contenders are to the general public.

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by Phoenix
It was interesting in light of this post subject that FOX was the only network that did live coverage of the democratic debate in New Hampshire this week.

I believe the "hosting network" position rotates. It's good ratings, and they take turns both hosting (which costs money) and supplying interviewers like Brit Hume from Fox this last time. No conspiracy. Just an exclusivity thing I think.

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 12:20 PM
darkwraith, where is your point ? Once again, the Republicans are called nazis !!!

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by RANT

Originally posted by Springer
...Before you go off calling me an ignorant, brainwashed sucker for the Murdoch doctrine it might interest you to know that I DON'T watch Fox.

That being said, I find it HIGHLY insulting that you would publically deride my countrymen as a bunch of brainless boobs who have been guiled by a cable channel simply because YOU can't find anyother explanation for its success...

With all due respect, you may want to actually watch FoxNews sometime before defending it. Those of us who monitor it religiously actually do know something about the BOOBS (as you say) it draws.

Below is the current (it changes) entrance to the Fox owned and advertised website of it's most popular weekday morning (getting ready for school time) "political pudit." For fart jokes and "Dummycrap" bashing (or to teach your kids to do the same), turn to FoxNews.

Now I realize this image (found ) is inappropriate as hell, perhaps even for this website and apologize accordingly offering to take it down or hope a mod will, but if it offends here... does the mentality of MANCOW NEWS not offend Monday through Friday on America's top rated morning news as well?

Darkwraith is 100% correct in the "lowest common denominator" assessment of FoxNudes and it's copiers.

Ok, hang on. You're attributing a Mancow image with FoxNews? Mancow is paid to be offensive! (He's hilarious, by the way. Living in Chicago, I get to listen to him any morning I choose while driving to work!) And if Fox owns the Mancow show (I don't know that they do, but it seems to be implied here), that doesn't mean they agree with everything he says and does. Disney owns TONS of radio stations and tv stations. Just because they own them doesn't mean they agree with the political positions the radio personalities have, the moral positions, or anything. It's a money making device, not a way to express their viewpoints...

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 02:40 PM
I think the real danger of this type of channel is not in the fact that they are biased.
I mean, thats not the real issue, I bash CNN all day long on Bill Maher BB.

But the thing that strikes me as horrific is when the cable news outlets (which we pay for and are not free) become an arm of the State, or Federal Government.

They trumpet the "Party Line" whether its right or left. They are not even in the business of challenging the status quo or the politicians themselves on major decisions, like war.

For example, if you look at what Fox News and MSNBC did during the war. They had Joe Scarborough and Shaun Hannity calling anti-war people traitors. Now, that is directly promoting hatred and violence between the citizenry. It is directly calling for division amongst the public at large. The were promoting the idea that musicians and movie actors be targeted with a list--see this link

The point is not that the press has become biased, we know that, but it has become an arm of the Feds. And they do its bidding. In that case the govenrments bidding was call anyone who opposed , less than a citizen.

Interestlingly, the public did follow suit. There were pro-war protests on a corner by my house, and then anti-war ones. But even here on the BB's we were frothing at the mouth attacking each other. They instigated that.

[Edited on 24-1-2004 by darkwraith]

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by junglejake

Ok, hang on. You're attributing a Mancow image with FoxNews? Mancow is paid to be offensive! (He's hilarious, by the way. Living in Chicago, I get to listen to him any morning I choose while driving to work!) And if Fox owns the Mancow show (I don't know that they do, but it seems to be implied here), that doesn't mean they agree with everything he says and does. Disney owns TONS of radio stations and tv stations. Just because they own them doesn't mean they agree with the political positions the radio personalities have, the moral positions, or anything. It's a money making device, not a way to express their viewpoints...

Yes, yes, yes...Mancow is owned by Murdoch (along with plenty of stations) but I'm attributing HIM in particular to FOXNEWS because he is on it every weekday morning as people and kids get ready for work (FOX N FIENDS) doing his little booby and butt joke schtick while commenting on the "DUMMYCRATS". He's a daily feature on FoxNews (just like any "legitimate" analyst or pundit) where they go to him live in studio on the air for him to push his/Murdoch's show/website and Bush's agenda.

It's his low brow "humor" merged with politics on the FoxNews morning show every single day I'm talking about that supports DW's claim that FNN is LOW BROW.

A typical MANCOW segment on FoxNews is hey "Thanks to all who are answering our question of the day is Madeline Albright Insane?" now let's go to MANCOW to get his take. First let me say Albright shoudl be named Halfbright, and Diane Sawyer, did you see her last night with Brittant Spears? She's a big sack of leather, but this Dean thing, omigod, what a clown, of all the dummycraps...yadda, yadda, yadda.

It's a plug for his shockjock show on the NEWS everyday. Fox has him on thier webpage with links from the NEWS to his little porncast I posted above. He's mysogynistic as hell, as if the Dem bashing wasn't bad enough on NEWS. You do know what news is supposed to be right? Fair and Balanced? Do they have ANYONE going "Retardicans"? No, alright then.

[Edited on 24-1-2004 by RANT]

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 03:20 PM
Hey Rant, delete that big mancow image so the thread is readable in one frame.......

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