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A new twist on the "Bob Lazar" story?

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posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 10:42 AM
I have watched many videos and interviews with Bob Lazar. The main thing I don't understand in his story is his experience at S-4; he says he was reverse engineering a craft, then the next he says he watched a test flight of this type of craft... eh? So your still reverse engineering the craft and test flying it without any type of anti-gravity device?

I think some of the things he said were true, he probably worked there. A week after his first interview, because people were saying "This guy is a nut and must be lying" he went to the base and filmed a test flight of a UFO type craft movement above Area 51. There are a number of things which he contradicts himself on.

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Thill

If Lazar is telling the truth (I am on the fence on this one personally for now) how is it that after blowing the whisle on such a big cover up , (because lets be honest if all what he said was true that should piss off the gov pretty much ) and going public with it on so manny sites/places , he gets another goverment contract ? This dosent make sense to me

If that was answered anywhere please link me to that thread because I tried to get an answer to this question on several sites and nobody could really help me out

Good question Thill. Here a couple of possibilities:

1. Bob was a janitor or cook at S-4. Recently the government had a requirement for another janitor or cook and hired Bob because of his previous experience in that capacity at S-4.

2. Bob never worked at S-4 or on flying saucers but recently in an effort to augment his income from he got a job as a part time janitor at LANL.

3. The government decided to play a Christmas joke on the public by hiring Bob Lazar but it's just a joke and they are not really going to use him for anything except to sweep the corridors.

4. The government needed a part time physicist at LANL. So they call up Stan Friedman and ask him about Bob Lazar. Stan tells them that he can't substantiate any of the degrees that Bob said he had or any of the schools that he said he attended. LANL then hires Bob just to piss off Stan.

5. Everything Bob said he did is true. The government has a desperate need for geniuses. So they decided to forgive and forget and hire Bob back.

Take you pick Thill, and thanks for the post.

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 11:18 AM
Originally posted by Zemouk

I have watched many videos and interviews with Bob Lazar. The main thing I don't understand in his story is his experience at S-4; he says he was reverse engineering a craft, then the next he says he watched a test flight of this type of craft... eh? So your still reverse engineering the craft and test flying it without any type of anti-gravity device?

Thanks for the post Zemouk. Bob's job at S-4 was to reverse engineer the propulsion system. They knew how it worked, they were even able to fly one. But they wanted to be able to build one of the propulsion systems themselves. And that turned out to be totally impossible because the engineering and materials were thousands and thousands of years ahead of us in techonology. We were able to use the 115 to make a bomb but not to use in an advanced propulsion system.

I think some of the things he said were true, he probably worked there. A week after his first interview, because people were saying "This guy is a nut and must be lying" he went to the base and filmed a test flight of a UFO type craft movement above Area 51. There are a number of things which he contradicts himself on.

Bob never filmed anything at S-4. On the Lazar video there is a animated version of the test flight that Bob witnessed at S-4 but it is only an animation.

Here are 2 sites with information on Bob:

Thanks for the post.

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 12:00 PM
I know there was a little animation of the test flight but wasn't there also another one where you could see a light in the sky moving like a UFO also that Bob filmed?

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 02:19 PM
I found a good external refrence to Bob Lazar videos, good explinations and that for the videos here:

Bob Lazar

UFO Test Flight over Area 51

Robert Lazar filmed this “test flight” of a vehicle at Area 51 in January 1990. Having claimed to have worked there, he was told that test flights usually occur on Wednesday nights, as this was statistically the time of least air traffic.

On more than one occasion he took people with him to observe flights. Note the incredibly tight turns and manoeuvres the object makes.

View the page and look for that part for the video.

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 08:57 AM
Mr. Lear why are you plainly ignorring my question that has been posted twice already ? This was not another bashing question , just something that bugged me for some time and I guess You could say that You would be the most qualified person (well besides Bob) to answer it .

If You do not want to answer publicly then please send me a u2u if You could. Or just state that You will not answer and be over it

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 01:52 PM
thill, i think he answered your question above in #5 of his points...although it didn't go into much detail.

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 02:00 PM
I have to go to the mine for a couple of days so I'll get back with you on Wednesday. If I didn't make it clear in response No. 5, please restate the question with exactly what you want to know. Thanks.

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 07:36 AM
I must appologise to You mr John , for some unknown reason to me your post has not showed up when I was looking through the thread , thus thinking you ignored my question (I was a bit biased I have to admit cause I tried to get the same answer form other people on other boards also). I did not want to sound harsh or offend You in any way so if I did let me again state I am sorry for posting that .

Edit: Even thou those answers do not really answer the question why he is still a goverment contractor
I mean either he is in on a major disinfo campain prepared by the gov (which would explain why he is still getting contracts -- for a job well done
) or well or I have no idea as I cant come up with any other logical explanation (since when is the gov logical thou

[edit on 24-12-2007 by Thill]

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by Americantrucker

Great post thats how I see it. Roswell IMO was staged to throw the public off the real truth. I mean how convenient for a UFO to crash and for the military to promptly inform the media. Ever compare Kenneth Arnold's description of the craft he saw and to what the media reported them as. I've always thought it was nice of the aliens to redesign their craft to appear how we believe them to be.

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by Thill

Edit: Even thou those answers do not really answer the question why he is still a goverment contractor

[edit on 24-12-2007 by Thill]

The thing that every reply that I have read regarding your question, both here and on other threads has lacked is this: There is no proof that Bob or United Nuclear has government contracts. The United Nuclear web site and some transcripts of conversations I have read say they have government contracts, but these things do not make it so. John Lear says he has gone on trips helping Bob Lazar do some of the contract work on radiation detectors, so I do believe it for that reason. I had to get that out of the way before the skeptics run with it.

I have ordered items from United Nuclear and I can assure you that they are very real and that they sell quality items. The listings and articles on the United Nuclear website are written by someone knowledgeable in physics, chemistry and other sciences. I suspect that Bob wrote everything there, and I have no doubt that he is a trained scientist.

I have personally debunked the debunkers on an item or two in the Lazar
claims, so I tend to give him the benefit of the doubt as to the credibility of
his S4 story.

posted on Dec, 27 2007 @ 01:59 PM
A government contract of any significance shows up in the federal register. Using the "uncle sam" version of Google, there is nothing regarding United Nuclear Scientific Supplies having a government contract. There is much about the federal case regarding illegal fireworks sales from UNSS.

This is the link for the government only google search engine

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by gariac
A government contract of any significance shows up in the federal register. Using the "uncle sam" version of Google, there is nothing regarding United Nuclear Scientific Supplies having a government contract. There is much about the federal case regarding illegal fireworks sales from UNSS.

This is the link for the government only google search engine

He could use a different business name for his consulting services as some do, or may just do small non-competitive bid contracts on a small business set aside like through the S.B.A. Who knows? Again, I'll give the benefit of the doubt. I doubt repairing radiation detectors would be classified work either.

posted on Dec, 30 2007 @ 06:02 PM
Bob Lazar is either truthful or not. He is an unverifiable source so everyone should be approaching him, everything to do with him and everything he has ever said with that in mind.

"If you catch an 18 inch fish, and claim it was 20 inches, that's embellishment...a fish story. However, if you claim you caught a 20 inch fish and never went fishing, that's something completely different."

Until there is independent and concrete evidence verifying EXACTLY what he says in detail then we are all entitled to at least act as though he is lying or mistaken. Even if he isn't.

He is in a similar situation to any other defector. If his story is true.

posted on Dec, 30 2007 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by Americantrucker

My best guess is that these types of information disclosures don't always happen by accident. Bob did mention something in regards to missing time. If there are EBEs helping there than I wouldn't doubt their ability to limit disclosure by workers information, possibly to limit whoever else may be watching our news and internet also. Remember that many of these EBEs or whomever are supposedly good at this anyway.

I myself have recalled an incident where a vintage 60's cachy green military vehicle with the initials USNAF was on the passengers door. Maybe these were those alleged Men in Black and I needed to see this for some reason, whether it was official or purposeful disinformation.

If we humans are so easily taken over and manipulated, than all we are probably doing is building ships and technologies for our captors who also use our bodies like slaves or containers. Whatever the case, things will eventually unfold before our eyes and there probably won't be much we or our military can do about it. Don't assume that we have the upper hand and that aliens or these people are stupid. Remember the story of the Trojan horse (Roswell?) and the old bait and switch. No doubt it only takes a few in control to outsmart us, especially if they can see and manipulate future events. Of course this might just be our usual distrust and paranoias working against us.

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