posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 08:25 AM
Hey all, it's time for my annual-bump of this thread! The 2 stories cover most of this author's life, but I let the narrative hang at 2004....
Talk about scary: the devil-mothman caught-up with me again in PA, possessing the already corrupt local school-board, denying me my teaching-license,
and forcing me to flee and bunker-down in anonymous UT. Even with the Hollywood-writer's strike--in reaction to which I published the story here--I
remain unemployed and fighting for table-scraps. I can't deceide which is scarier: facing a degrading death in a dumpster, or the fanatical
dumbing-down of our youth taking place with the textbook reform, leading-to an eventual fascist-driven idiocracy of poor health and a short life for
95% of the youth....biblical principles long-since buried and logic to preserve/revive them almost buried as well!!!