posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 06:44 PM
Obviously, the Bush administration harnested the threat of 'weapons of mass destruction' to point a finger towards operations in Iraq, or war if you
will. And, obvious again, no such tangible evidence to date has been found or will be found to back their claims those weapons are 'still there'. I
think I speak for many people when I say that I felt the impression that the administration wanted us to believe that Saddam was actively seeking and
posessing extremely dangerous weapons.
Currently there is no push to find what they were seeking, that in itself should speak to people. If they did think the 'WMD' had such merit for
war, why aren't they thinking what hands the weapons could be in? I have barely heard talk of the WMD. So where is the news? Where is the big deal?
How is the admistration getting away with a dishonest, obvious, operation?
Don't tell me half of the American public decided to feel compassion for the people of Iraq for their 'prior' treatment and forget everything else
about this war.