posted on Dec, 5 2002 @ 10:36 AM
If you are going to quote a newspaper story, at least quote it correctly.
The story in question had to do with the CIA missle attack that took out the Al Qaeda terrorists in Quatar. Those in the car included an American
citizen from Buffalo, New York, who was the leader of the terrorist cell whose members were arrested not too long ago.
The story indicated that the CIA has the authority to assasinate American citizens who are outside the US, have been found to be working for Al Qaeda,
and only as a last resort, ie, law enforcment efforts to arrest them have failed. It also stated that the authorization to take these measures would
have to come from very high sources in the government.
This has NOTHING to do with our military. Think about it. If the military were to rebel against the US government, do you think the CIA could do a
single thing about it? And besides, it would never happen. We support our President as the Commander in Chief. Period.
As far as Loopy's outragous crap about "50% against 50%" in an American civil war, you'd be lucky to get 1% to agree to what it would take to
mount such a coup. It's a ridiculous comment.
And oh, by the way, Loopy, we don't keep the right to bear arms so that we can "take back our country", you dip#. We keep them to protect ourselves
from criminals, and dip# socialist whiners like you...