posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 10:34 AM
And its a question you would like the US president and the UK prime minister has an answer for.
I agree we can not continue to keep forces in Iraq for the next 5, 10 20 years. The UK is looking to draw down its forces and I guess with the
election of the next US president, there may be the mandate from the US people to reduce troops numbers.
I am not sure world opinion would allow us to just leave. We created the problems in the first place, and as leaders in the first world, we have to
see the example and leave Iraq in a position to become its own country again.
If we accept that maintaining troops is not a viable option, we seem to be left with a even smaller number of choices.
1) Just leave - It's an option but would create a massive power vacuum, and Iraq would be plunged into an all out civil war, and can we as the west,
and one of the biggest users on crude oil, afford for Iraq to decend into civil war, and the impact that would have on the supply and the price of
crude oil. And then, thinks what happens, if the wrong side, (according to us), wins the power stuggle in Iraq and starts to use the supply of oil as
a political weapon.
2) Continue to maintain a major military presence until the Iraqi Government, police and military is deemed capability. And the question here is what
is the time frame. You would have to guess years and is there the political will of the people and Government to maintain troops, and then, will
there be a time when we feel the Iraqis are ready.
3) A peace keeping force. The real question is who would want to front and send their troops to Iraq to act as peacekeepers. I think is very
unlikely that any major western power would be accepted by the Iraqis so this then leads to an Arab fronted force. I could see some of the oil rich
Gulf states funding this and it could be in the interests of Saudi to have a peace keeping force that could maintain a stable supply of oil and not
plunge the whole region into a wider civil war. Could the UN led a peace keeping force? And would they want to accept the role with what is common
knowledge and the rick of failure?
And funding is just one aspect of a peace keeping force. Who would provide peace keepers on the ground? Iran, China, India.