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No more socializing in My kids school.

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posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by sigung86

You obviously didn't take the time to read my post or You'd know I contacted the school not once but twice, so did My husband. You don't know a thing concerning Me or My children so maybe You should quit making asinine assumptions. Not only am I a PTO member,I volunteer at both schools on a regular basis for lunch and recess duty. My youngest is still little but is on the honor roll and is now taking violin lessons. My son is very intelligent, getting the presidents award last yr, 1 out of 7 in His whole school & at a mathematics level 3 grades above his classmates. He also plays the bass, and is interested in guitar lessons for this school year. If You ask Him He knows exactly what He wants to do when He finishes school- which includes joining the peace-corp for a stint, going over-seas for a yr. to Japan, going to M.I.T. then back to Japan to live because He wants to 'work on the latest technology'. By God, I hope He gets to do every one of those things He dreams of, and I live to help Him accomplish any and everything he wishes. In addition, I have two older daughters, one just graduated high school with honors and My oldest is so very far from home attending University of Colorado in Boulder working on Her prerequisites for Her phsyc. degree. Children like these don't raise themselves or have parents that are slackers. You sit & wonder How Your children became the wonderful people they are- I know how mine got that way.

Peace. K*

[edit on 10/6/07 by Demetre]

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by forestlady
Hi Redge: I thought you said Jefferson was a Deist

Jefferson I do not believe would be considered a Christian by the normal teachings of what that means. But I am not his judge in any way. This is from Wiki and is known today, but he did not speak openly of it in his time.

Thomas Jefferson did not believe in Jesus' divinity, the Trinity, the resurrection, miracles, or any other supernatural aspect described in the Bible.
I don't know why I brought up Jefferson, it was off topic, it just came up. I think I just came from a discussion with a mason so I was still thinking of Jefferson/rational thought.

But here's my question for you? Why can't kids learn religion at home or in Sunday school? Why do I have to have myself or my children exposed to teachings that I don't believe in?

I agree with you completely, that is why I said it is an unsolvable problem. I was trying to illustrate the thoughts of some Christians. They believe teaching that being gay is a choice, or evolution, is teaching against Christianity, They believe darkness is taught. Do you see my point. It is unsolvable because one side says we are just teaching science. the other side says, that science is false and teaches against Christianity. So from this prospective, science becomes a religion.

OK before anyone blows up, admit some people think that way, I am not taking sides, I am pointing out the problem and why it is not resolvable. Which ever side a person is on, their side is right.

Either it is Christians are ignorant, see I can prove it with science


The scientist are trying to teach the children there are no miracles or God.

Personally I think private education should be allowed for everyone, people should be able to pick their schools for their kids like they do in some other countries.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 06:35 PM
That kind of stuff in schools just pisses me off.
Thank God my school is somewhat good.
We have never had anything like this.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 01:28 AM
That principal should be fired on the spot for having stupid rules.

If I was you, I call my local news stations and call superintendent of the school district protesting this rule.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 01:45 AM
This hasn't only happened in your child's school. There is a high-school in Geelong, Australia, where kids and teenagers are prohibited from touching each other in any way, hugs and holding hands included.

Glad I never went there.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by icybreeze
This wouldn't be an issue if it weren't for the lowering of social standards in our society. When you have 10% of kids younger than thirteen have had sex something must be done. So is nipping at the bud by limiting physical contact at elementary school level a bad thing?

[edit on 5-10-2007 by icybreeze]

Im assuming you dont have little kids?

Thats what little girls do. They hold hands and skip and giggle. THAT is NORMAL. It has nothing to do with sex and pregnancy, etc etc. It is an innocent thing that little kids do.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 10:31 AM
I have personally used letters to the editor many times to get the attention of lazy and moronic county employees. They are VERY afraid of being singled out and attention being drawn to them, and most of the time when a parent really raises hell, they will back down. They HATE publicity, and they HATE parents getting together outside of their control models, like the PTA.

When my disabled son was charged with ' disorderly conduct ' by some redneck local sheriffs deputy in the middle school ( 7th grade ) for not sitting still while he was going thru a change of meds..WITH a doctors note to expect such conduct, instead of allowing me to keep him home and giving assignments for me to help him with, they simply charged him!! I went ballistic and challenged all of them, from the top down, and then wrote a letter called " A Police State School System ? " which was published, and they dropped the phony charge immediately.

The schools insist upon mandatory attendance, no matter what, but when a disabled kid acts out a little they show no compassion and instead call the cops..sickening. I let them know that the next step was a Federal court and a lawsuit for denying my son the education he has a legal right to, and they backed off. Still, it is a mess in the schools, with zero tolerance for many things that do not matter, while the kids are being trained to become slaves to the system and obediant little robots.

On a side note, the other day a sheriffs deputy came to my door. It seems my daughter had taken a walk down our road, which has no sidewalks and is narrow..a country road with a 25 mph speed limit, and was almost run over by a couple of rednecks in a pickup truck speeding down the lane. She yelled " Slow down !!" at them..and they called the cops and said that some crazy lady was walking in the street and about to get run over!! I solved the matter by telling the cop that we have a perfect right to walk as pedestrians on our road, and we have a perfect right to yell at lawbreakers if we wish also. I told him that if they wrote a few tickets on that street, maybe we could walk on our own road without a hassle.

The cop kept looking at me funny, hesitating to leave..and I got a weird feeling from him. Finally he left, and it was then that I realized why he was giving me such looks: I had a T shirt on that reads " I DARE YOU PIGS TO SEARCH ME WITHOUT A WARRANT !!" I usually don't wear that shirt out much unless I am on a bender about cops and civil rights, but he got the message I am sure!! Too bad if they don't like it. He knew that he was dealing with someone who does not back up and does not take crap, from anyone. Better that way than a sheep being led to slaughter by the idiots who masquerade as ' leaders' and politicians.

In any event, never let them bully you and never give up. Write letters and raise hell and don't back down. All it takes is a spark to start a blaze, and it may take only a few people in a community to make changes that will last.

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