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What's wrong under Indonesia??

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posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 05:05 AM
Anyone knowing what's wrong under Indonesia?? I mean the tectonic plates off the shore of Sumatra??

I've been following quakes since decmber 2004, and never saw as many huge "aftershocks" as those following the magnitude 8.4 quake few weeks ago. Nearly 10 of them clocked 6+ in richter scale. Moreover, they don't seem to diminish like the usual aftershocks would do.

I'm with a gut feeling that we're seeing the "foreshocks" (maybe I'm using this term on my own) of a big one. Even the magnitude 8.4 is also another foreshock !!!. But I have no facts for this.

I studied the period before the magnitude 9.1 quake in 2004 december. There are a dozen foreshocks of 6+ spread within the duration of couple of years. But if you compare it with last month, you'll notice that entire years of activities in 2003 and 2004 in Sumatra have happened within less than a month. It's odd, and I'm sure that it is not a stream of "aftershocks".

I found in web that few scientists who analyzed the region also predicted the same. But I didn't see enough information. The basic idea of them is based on the analysis of sea bed and noticing that it is more unsettled than what it was before the M8.4. But I saw nobody even attempting to guess it based on the seismic history of big quakes. The idea of "foreshocks" seem to evade every mind. I think it has a pattern and a relationship.

I'm not attempting to spread conspiracy theory here. In fact my worry is purely scientific. Can someone with better knowledge than me explain what is happening in Indonesia, preferably with geologic experience???

I've heard that a big one is on its way. How big? And what do these stream of 6+ quakes tell us about teh one predicted?

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 05:11 AM
Yeah, you are correct I beleive in your assumption mate.

take into account other factos too, like last week there was a large earthquake just south of new zealand that triggered a tsunami warning for Tasmania and south east australia....that is totaly unheard of, especially this part of australia.

Also, theres that Volcanic Island that blew up off Sudan I think it was the other day?

I dont know what evidence there is regarding an approaching "Planet X" having gravitional pull and adding stress to the earths plates, but something is adding stress.

Could it be, as Ive read elsewhere that the earth is heating up from within and thus expanding, causing major stress on all the plates?

Could this internal heating be responsible for global warming?

And will this bring on the polar flip?

I think an important sign to watch for will be not just this Jarkarta region, but when other areas become very active very quickly within a close time range.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 11:51 PM
Stuff like that happens pretty much every day in Indonesia. The whole island chain sits at the boundary of several tectonic plates; the Australian, Eurasian, Philippine and Pacific Plates.

After the December 2004 quake the whole region came under greater scrutiny. New sensor equipments were added as well. There isn't really anything new going on there I'm afraid. It's just that now even the slightest tremors are reported and the Internet helps spread the news even further.

I don't think there's anything to worry about, though. But then again I'm not a seismologist. I just know plenty of Indonesians, who think the media and people around the world should stop focusing on what's wrong under their country, rather what's wrong at the top, as in their worthless politicians.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 12:52 PM
The seismologists know the "fore-shocks", and they use them as a measure of the possibility of a bigger quake.

But the "fore-shocks" have the advantage of releasing some of the accumulated energy, so they are a good thing; not only they may show that a stronger quake is coming, they also make it weaker.

I don't think that this is related to any mythical "planet X" making changes on the Earth's gravity, if there were any changes in the gravity the tides would be the first thing to show it.

And I also do not think that the Earth is getting wormer inside, there are many locations where the Earth's temperature is constantly monitored.

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