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More than 70 percent of the Earth's surface is covered by ocean, we've explored less than 5%

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posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 04:21 PM
This thread:
Got me thinking... We try so hard to find something new and incredible in the stars... when in fact it is more than likely that these things exist on our own planet!

"These modern explorers continue in the spirit of Lewis and Clark using contemporary technology to explore our oceans," said Scott Gudes, acting administrator of NOAA. "More than 70 percent of the Earth's surface is covered by ocean, but to date, we've explored less than 5 percent of it. Finding new living marine resources and understanding how they fit into the larger ecosystem is critical to our future."

More than 70 percent of the Earth's surface is covered by ocean, but to date, we've explored less than 5 percent of it!!

It is possible to show a map of 5% of earth without seeing any sign of intelligent life. So then, in theory... it's possible that an intelligent species is sharing earth with us without our knowledge?

Now I'm not suggesting this is the case for even an instant. But the possibility exists.

Perhaps we should start focusing a little more attention and money on deep sea exploration?

worth considering I think,


[edit on 2-10-2007 by Spec01]

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 04:41 PM
Defcon’s doing his part.

Make that 6%...

Seriously though, unless there is money to be made, or the public is really interested in it, I doubt it will happen on a large scale. Only the oil companies, some research groups, and the Navy have an interest in exploring the oceans at the present. I believe that its all mapped out, but the stuff that is down there is difficult to explore anyway as much of it tends to shift locations with currents.

[edit on 10/2/2007 by defcon5]

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 04:47 PM
Well, I was just listening to Graham Hancock and he is convinced there are remains of a earlier human civilization down there...

ATS thread

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 05:14 PM

It is possible to show a map of 5% of earth without seeing any sign of intelligent life. So then, in theory... it's possible that an intelligent species is sharing earth with us without our knowledge?

An intelligent species is by definition, curious. Even if WE havent found such a species, THEY should have found us by now.

Besides, why bother? We already got the dolphins! Chances are if we found a deep sea living intelligent species, they're gonna be so ugly-ass and downright scary you dont want to come within 30 meters of them. But everybody want to swim with cute and cuddly dolphins!!!

[edit on 2-10-2007 by merka]

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 05:20 PM
Ha, very interesting indeed.

I'm a diver myself... perhaps its a pisces thing?
I've always found the water fascinating!

The main problem as I understand it is poor visibility coupled with skull crushing pressure.

But surely if we can get to the moon (allegedly
) We can get around these obstacles as well. Or maybe... just maybe... we're not supposed to go down there.

I read a great sci-fi book once, can't remember for the life of me it's title or Author about a subterranean civilization that lived almost exclusively underground under the oceans. They were our UFO sightings etc and were forced down there millenia ago by a virus or desease of some sort that had comme to earth from the stars. They had even made contact with earth leaders and were capable of amazing things... they had a genetically created 'slave race' that performed all there manual labour. They never died but rather chose new bodies for their minds and souls to be moved into when they were sick of their current shells. The concepts of male and female were very different as these beings could select either or. Wish I could remember!

We've already found some amazing creatures in the depths... and we continue to find more all the time. Who knows what else is hiding from us down there.

The potential for profit exists but is unknown.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 05:37 PM
Nice to hear you’re a diver too, I was starting to think I was the only one on this website.

Anyway, an even bigger problem is plain old expense. Some night when you have nothing better to do, read about what is entailed in building a high pressure submarine hull, believe me its very interesting. There cannot be any spot on the hull which is even slightly thinner or weaker then the other areas, as that will cause the entire tube to crease at that point, then fail. So the whole body has to be the same strength, which amplifies the costs tremendously. The deepest diving submarines are the ones created by the USSR out of Titanium. The US cannot even afford to make these submarines as the cost of hiring contractors to build them is outrageous. Heck, we can't even afford the expense of building double-hulled subs like the USSR used to build.

Most of your surface wrecks and items will shift with the current, which is why they find wrecks from Florida in the UK. Other places that are more permanent are going to be subject to much of what you mention; pressure, and poor vis. Even then most of the deepest areas of the ocean are just barren landscapes anyway, until you start to get near the deep ocean vents. Most of your life is going to be on the move to where the food is at that time of the year.

However, I agree it would still be neat to see more funding go that way.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 06:24 PM
I don't know if you guys have seen "Aliens of the Deep" by James
Cameron, but that is one interesting film. It is truly amazing, all the
litte life forms living comfortably in the most extreme heat/darkness/ etc.

Next stop, Europa!

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 06:32 PM
Yeah I saw that one. I found it strange how similar that a lot of the footage appeared to footage from “Blue Planet”. Maybe its just a coincidence though. Still the life down there is as amazing as it is alien. How creatures can survive in extremes that even the steel submersibles could not, just baffles me. They kept worrying about getting the subs glass to close to the vents because the heat could melt the windows and cause the sub to fold, yet here are shrimp living in that flow of superheated water. Again absolutely amazing stuff.

I also recommend “Blue Planet”, I think its on the Discovery channel, though I might be wrong.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by merka

It is possible to show a map of 5% of earth without seeing any sign of intelligent life. So then, in theory... it's possible that an intelligent species is sharing earth with us without our knowledge?

An intelligent species is by definition, curious. Even if WE havent found such a species, THEY should have found us by now.

[edit on 2-10-2007 by merka]

How can you just assume that, why is it less likely for us to have found them, then for them for have found us? Maybe those creatures have evolved themselves in a way that they can only survive under very high pressure, and therefore they never come to the surface.

Anyway, I think it's an interesting view, why should we start exploring outside the earth when there is so much we don't know inside the atmosfere. And, if you say it costs too much to explore the ocean, it's probably even more expensive to explore space.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by NoSuchAgency

My point exactly!

The likelyhood of there being interesting 'alien' life in our own oceans is more likely than us finding it in space? If they're up there, they'll find us I'm sure.

Has anyone read a short Asimov story about 3 robots that visit jupiter as ambassaders? Anyway, in the story it truns out that the Genovians (Jupiters race) were suited to incrediby high gravity, were incredibly advanced and hostile towards humans... however they were trapped on there planet because the high gravity made leaving the surface impossible. Humans thought they were safe... until the Genovians discovered 'force fields' and could leave there planet.

So then hypothetically, there could be a hostile race of advanced beings right under our noses... and they are trapped there, but they are working on the problem while we aim for space. They win :p

We not explored the majority of our planet!! Seems we should do more to fix that!

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by Spec01
Ha, very interesting indeed.

I'm a diver myself... perhaps its a pisces thing?
I've always found the water fascinating!

The main problem as I understand it is poor visibility coupled with skull crushing pressure.

But surely if we can get to the moon (allegedly
) We can get around these obstacles as well. Or maybe... just maybe... we're not supposed to go down there.

I read a great sci-fi book once, can't remember for the life of me it's title or Author about a subterranean civilization that lived almost exclusively underground under the oceans. They were our UFO sightings etc and were forced down there millenia ago by a virus or desease of some sort that had comme to earth from the stars. They had even made contact with earth leaders and were capable of amazing things... they had a genetically created 'slave race' that performed all there manual labour. They never died but rather chose new bodies for their minds and souls to be moved into when they were sick of their current shells. The concepts of male and female were very different as these beings could select either or. Wish I could remember!

We've already found some amazing creatures in the depths... and we continue to find more all the time. Who knows what else is hiding from us down there.

The potential for profit exists but is unknown.

moving their minds and souls to other bodies and the rest of your talk reminded me of john lears moon soul towers and all of that talk

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 01:41 PM
So back on track then...

Even if one disregards speculation, the possibility of finding things completely 'alien' to us on our own world seems very likely.

Perhaps civilizations that formally settled on earth left much more than a clue in the deep?

It just seems crazy that we have yet to explore a vast majority of our own planet! Yet we are hell bent on getting off it... ?

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 02:59 PM
With the Ice Ages, seas rising and numerous years of erosion, it wouldn't surprise me if something is down there. Creature, or I was thinking of temples, structures and other man made things that has just washed away over time.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 03:36 AM

Interesting article on mysterious lights in the ocean depths.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 05:42 AM

ancient artitacts near okinawa

this is very old news for most, perhaps not so for others...

try snorkling around the coast of playa del carmen, and cozumel mexico without seeing mayan artifacts and walls. Stuff is everywhere

[edit on 28/11/2008 by Zeus187]


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