are you going
to close the thread or not.
I'll do whatever is necessary
to force it's closing. I am sick to death
of all this infantile moaning about my story.
All anyone had to do, if they didn't like it, or didn't believe it, was just say so and go on. There was never any reason for them to get as nasty
and ugly as they did, and make their pukey remarks.
May all your days be filled with sunshine, jerks!
God Forbid that I should rack up any more points off of this. I might get to buy myself a brand new mercedes, or it might even bring my little sister
back. I mean, these almighty points must do something miraculous!
Mods, please divide up my points and distribute them evenly between Doc Moreau and Andy 1972. They seem to be suffering so badly over this.
Before this is over, I'll see to it that you all hate me. That way there can be absolutely no way that I benefit from the death of my sis.
Let me show you the steps I have taken to assure this:
Because of my actions here, I have ruined any chances I might have had as a writer. Who wants a 'nutjob?'
Because of my hostilty, there will be no sympathy.
My bro has closed his forum.
He is still working on the other one. he has to finish with a customer. So that should take care of any suspicions in that area.
A lot of ppl could have benefitted from his forum. He offered his love and support, free of charge, and a place where ppl could tell their stories
without being badgered. Wish I had kept my story there. He protected ppl from the kind of abuse that I received here.
I do wish to thank those that treated me kindly, but I never wanted your sympathy. It gains no one anything.
For those of you who think that I just flew off the handle over one little remark that this----made in this thread; he and his side kick had plenty to
say in Lincoln County Witch. When that thread was closed at my request, and they couldn't post anymore smart-aleck posts, he came over here and
started. So, I just thought I would just steal his thunder and have this one closed as well.
For a really good scary story! Go read Saving Melinda I
She says she was inspired by "Hell House." Now SHE is a WRITER!!
[edit on 10/10/2007 by janasstar]