Our own child was breastfed; since I have a graduate degree in Public Health, I always assumed that breast was best. Just in case, I did some
checking around and found:
1. There are no advantages for the baby when bottle-feeding is used, the advantage is just the perceived increased convenience to the parent(s).
2. Advantages of breast-feeding for the baby include no or almost no allergies ... and in this allergy-ridden age that's saying something.
Other advantages include a 7-point rise in IQ level for babies who get a chance to breastfeed (yesterday's CNN news).
Immunity levels are boosted in breastfed babies; does a mom who decides quickly to bottle-feed based on convenience even want to get near experiencing
the amount of guilt she may subsequently feel every time the kid sneezes during childhood? Bottle-fed babies are also more likely to develop
immune-related diseases in childhood or later in life, such as Diabetes.
Another advantage for the baby is a lifelong ability to maintain a more stable weight.
3. Bringing another human being into the world is a serious thing. So please consider your options carefully before making a decision against
breastfeeding (which could be a decision you ultimately may long regret).
With all due respect, that decision is not just about you.
4. In my family, we started off getting a consultation from a breastfeeding counselor, before leaving the hospital after the child's birth. By doing
this, any initial questions or difficulties in beginning breastfeeding can be addressed and resolved. A non-profit worldwide organization called the
La Leche League also answers questions for free about breastfeeding. Here is their website:
5. Finally, on the subject of convenience, those 2 am feedings go a lot faster when the meal doesn't have to be warmed up. Honestly. And traveling
is also much simpler.
6. Breastfeeding is also a bigtime money saver. Those corporations who sell infant formula make a fortune.
Thanks for reading.
[edit on 11/7/2007 by Uphill]