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Current 9/11 Legal Challenges

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posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 07:03 PM
Drs Wood and Reynolds have filed legal challenges, which provide an excellent opportunity for a new investigation. They stand behind their work and have submitted through proper legal channels.

Anyone else having scientific proof should follow through. Anyone having a smoking gun should submit to proper governmental agencies as Drs Wood/Reynolds already have.

However, anyone not having smoking gun proof should NOT submit it the same way Drs Wood/Reynolds have. In the USA, anyone knowingly submitting false information to a governmental agency can be prosecuted for defrauding the government and treason!

Obviously, Drs Wood and Reynolds stand by their research 100%!

Dr Morgan Reynolds, the former Chief Economist of the US Dept of Labor, is suing private contractors alleging they defrauded the government by supplying bogus analyses for the official 9/11 NIST Report of an aluminum airplane with a plastic nosecone gliding into a steel/concrete building.

Dr Reynolds is represented by attorney Jerry Leaphart, and is demanding a Trial By Jury.

The US District Court, Southern New York, recently unsealed the case and Mr Leaphart is now notifying the Defendants.

See Dr Reynolds site for info and the Court Document PDF:

Dr Judy Wood, a former Professor of Mechanical Engineering from Clemson University, recently filed an appeal with the government for their refusal to retract their report on the World Trade Center destruction. Dr Wood (and Dr Reynolds) have compiled much evidence demonstrating that the WTC was destroyed with directed energy weapons. She has been in contact with government officials and is getting results. See Dr Wood's site for evidence of directed energy weapons and PDFs of official Request for Corrections filed with the government:

Dr Wood is the only 9/11 Research Scientist to get NIST to confirm the statement in their own report of not having analyzed the "collapses" of the towers. This confirmation comes in NIST's response to Dr Wood's Request for Correction, both of which are archived here:

The relevant quote from the Chief, Management and Organization Division at NIST to Dr Wood is as follows:

"As stated in NCSTAR 1, NIST only investigated the factors leading to the initiation of the collapses of the WTC towers, not the collapses themselves."

Dr Wood is also represented by Jerry Leaphart.

In an interview with Kevin Barrett, trial attorney Jerry Leaphart has said:

"What I can tell you and the listeners, Kevin, is this. There is more admissible evidence associated with the theory that the World Trade Center was destroyed by directed energy weapons than there is admissible evidence for any single other theory out there that has been promulgated."

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posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 08:50 PM
Interesting comment from:

Content from external source:

Cathy Garger

Researchers Who Take Legal Steps Are Attacked

Dr. Wood is challenging the official story through legal channels with her filing of the Request for Correction of NISTs explanation. The only other researcher doing this is Dr. Reynolds. I find it interesting that these two are the only people being consistently attacked.
This has been officially recognized by NIST, by the way.

Dr. Wood has presented evidence on her web site, and an amazing ammount of evidence, hard evidence.
She is presenting this evidence in a challenge to those legally responsible for addressing such matters. It's called accountability. Any rational person who's truly interested in obtaining a new investigation and holding the perpetrators accountable would be 100% behind Dr. Wood. I sure am.
I have studied the fact that the military is already using directed energy - so the fact that they have it within their bag of tricks does not make it exotic or unusual at all. See Table D-2 on page D-31 at:
Furthermore, the fact that this is weaponry with the unique capability of being a made in the US military-alone (and not other nations) makes the crimes uniquely a domestic (and only a domestic) affair. Directed energy points the finger squarely at the five-sided buildling.
This is why Drs. Wood and Reynolds have been attacked. They're onto the truth. And the truth, in this particular case, hurts Uncle Sam a whole bunch.

by CathyGarger (9 articles, 17 comments) on Monday, October 1, 2007 at 7:13:01 PM

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 01:07 AM
Question for thought:

Why didn't S Jones and his crew mention their evidence for thermite and molten metal in their own Request for Correction to NIST?

I find it puzzling they hide evidence they claim to have, especially in a legal document to a governmental agency.

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