posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 08:11 AM
A paper came out from a mathematician, which gave me the statistics idea. From that this is the gist of how I think it would work
If there is no soul.
If the mechanism of DNA can be completely understood
If physical laws can be completely understood
and a society survives long enough to do this.
Then someone will start with a computer programmed strand of DNA, let it divide and form a person, and program an exact input output system based on
laws of physics/chemistry etc.
So now you have a game in some future society, 100 million games sold, each with their own earth with full populations exactly like us(assuming no
That means the real society of 10 billion, have created 100 million times 6 billion people. The odds of you actually being one of the ones in the
real world are quite slim. If the assumptions hold then statistically we should all hope for just one thing. Hope the 13 year old has a good ups
backup power supply and saves often.
Luckily the 10 billion person society passed a law, "the rights of the electronic person", nobody can be forced to do anything against free will, or
if you like karma, all user actions that are negative must be countered by future good things happening.
This is also why great spiritual events happen only every few decades, and why Steven King said in the book IT, the creature came back every 30 years.
The 13 year old kid is hitting next turn, and jumping in 30 year steps.
[edit on 2-10-2007 by Redge777]