posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 05:43 AM
Hey. I had an out of body experience and went to Mars. I saw several gigantic jet black pyramids. I pooped myself almost, and then I got shot back
into my body, never able to exit again since.
I thought it was pretty interesting, and I quietly assumed that maybe there was something to this mysterious piece of info I seemed to have been
shown, but nothing could be proven, outside of John Lear's claims and Richard Hoagland's fuzzy mounds which failed to convince me anyway.
Then one day last week, I was listening to an album by the band Electric Wizard, entitled "We Live". The first song off that album, Eko Eko Azarak,
has a very interesting lyric in it that made me poopie my pants yet again remembering the OBE I had. "Black pyramids under Martian Sun", goes one
line in that epic genius doom metal song.
I was so taken aback by the lyric, that I decided to email the band and ask them "what the heck inspired you to write that lyric?"
Well, the singer/guitarist, Jus Osborne, emailed me back. Here is his response, my original message included:
"Hey man, your #in spot on....i had the same vision when i was maybe 6 years old, i fell from a ladder on to my head and saw the exact same thing,
iwas travelling down a red rock ravine (kinda like arizona) then i approached a titanic black pyramid...i #in screamed apparently until the doctor put
me under (i needed stitches )....# me now youve freaked me out......
jus wizard
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Germish
Date: Sep 24, 2007 12:06 PM
I dunno WHO wrote the lyrics to Eko Eko Azzerad (Azzerath?), but I was listening to We Live today while coincidentally reading a book about ET
encounters, and I dunno why I never noticed this lyric before until today... but I almost # my pants when I did. "Black pyramids under Martian
sun...". What is that referring to!?!?! I will share this with you, and please don't laugh because this was one of the most amazing experiences
I've ever had... I had an out of body experience about 8 months ago, and I consciously was taken somewhere. I wasn't sure where it was, but it
looked like Arizona at dusk, everything was red, the mountains were red and gigantic... and ahead of me were HUGE giant black pyramids with crazy
designs all over them... made of like the same rock as the monolith was made of from 2001:A Space Oddysee. I got freaked out and overwhelmed, and I
shot back ito my body.
I later thought "Hmmm that seemed like it could've been Mars."
Seriously, what inspired that lyric? because I am FREAKED OUT!!!
PS - I was so inspired by the whole OBE that I decided to name my band Pyramids of Mars. It's a work in progress... "
So that's kinda freaky. Two people seeing the same thing in OBEs.... if there's two people, then there's gotta be more who've seen this. Help me