posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 06:51 AM
For freedom of choice and diversity of education
You point out various problems that would arise should we remove mandatory schooling. And I have to say I agree with your points. Children do need to
learn other viewpoints than those only provided by their parents. They do need to learn social skills, integration into society and the basics of
These are problems solved by mandatory schooling. But they do not outweigh the problems created by mandatory schooling. We should therefore
consider solving these problems by other means
The problems created by mandatory schooling are manyfold:
* Parents and children loose freedom of choice in the matter. Should we remove mandatory schooling, most parents will send their children to public
school anyway. Why? Because its the cheapest option and because of the points you provided! But at least they would have freedom of choice about it.
* Since schooling is mandatory, schools do not make much effort to be better than other schools. What should they care? Kids are going to come no
matter if they perform well or not.
* Since schooling is mandatory, we get a lot of "sameness", something you advocate when you say "synchronization of society is necessary". I
strongly disagree with this. I find diversity and the mutual appreciation of diversity a key element to a society that is interesting, creative,
prosperous and progressive. Unfortunately we have a "same for all" schooling, ignoring the childs individuality, the parents preferences, and any
alternative way of living that does not conform to the standards.
* Your screenname is "dont waste time". As follows from my post above, the specific type of public schooling we have nowdays is a massive waste of
time. The poor kids are forced to sit from 8 to 3 and be indoctrinated into societies belief-systems. As education is the cause of what our world
looks like today and as our world does not look too good today, something in our schooling system must be flawed. To teach our children according to
the same system will only cause more flaws.
And even if schooling should be mandatory, I still have a problem with the word "public". My solution then would be to say, yes, schooling is
mandatory, but not public schooling. What is mandatory is education. What is mandatory are basic skills (as already mentioned). The solution is: A
number of private schools that are affordable to all and special grants (exceptions) to parents who cannot afford that type of schooling. This will
provide us with a great variety of schooling systems (approved by the government) parents can send their kids to.
I think we need to expand our freedom of choice on how long children spend at school, what subjects they study, what the overall attitude of the
school is, and so on.
Your claim that a school teaches right from wrong I must contradict. School only teaches what is right vs. wrong according to their specific beliefs,
within the limited context of their country, own education and religious upbringing.
Conclusion: Either the word "mandatory" or the word "public" must be removed.