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Powerful reasoning - We are NOT Earth natives

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posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 04:06 PM
As we have traveled the globe as a species, humans have mixed up nature a bit. Some other species have slipped onto our boats or even been brought along on purpose. What has occured when these plant and aninmal species have been introduced to the native ecosystems? Often times, the foreign species completely overrun the the native life, and establish themselves as an uncontested, dominant life form in it's new home. Now, when such an imbalance occurs amongst species native to an ecosystem, the "take-over" never reaches such a stable state of single species dominance. The natural balance of the system prevents it by one means or another, and the imbalance is dispersed and balance returns to the system. This is without exception when dealing with species stricly native to a system.

Mother nature ain't no woosie! Her being the intrinsic structure of the life/eco-system itself. In fact I believe that in the long run, even the foreign species will be tamed and assymalated into the balanced structure, their inital dominance checked by some new system element and balance will be restored.

Now, take this axiom and appy it to the human story. We have overrun Earth's global ecosystem. We have done so virtually unchallenged. We have established a stable dictatorship. The awsome power of Mother Nature's balance would NEVER permit such an anomoly with ONE EXCEPTION: If the life form is not native to the system, If the life form is transplanted into the ecosystem. We are not native to earth. We have been transplanted.

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 04:15 PM
Ask an Aussie how rabbits are stabilizing? It seems so far that this idea isn't working well there.

While a fine theory, it needs a wee bit more proof in my estimation.

Good thinking though, I like outside the box.

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 04:22 PM
Actually, the rabbit issue in Australia is a perfect example of my point. Rabbits are not native to Australia and therefore able to completely overrun the native species. I do not mean to say the foreign species establish a new stability. In fact, that is likely impossible until 'mother nature' puts their power/dominance in check - however long that may take. Rabbits in Australia are akin to Humans on Earth.

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 04:48 PM
What about rabbits in England? Equally, an alien, introduced species ... yet they've found a niche that hasn't involved out competing any native species.

Wallabies seem to be doing okay as well here....

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by verbal kint
Often times, the foreign species completely overrun the the native life

note 'often times'. A foreign species does not necessarily overrun the system it's introduced to. Im just guessing, but i would think that foreign species find an in-balance niche when the new system happens to have built-in predators of the foreigner or it's food supply is ilmited in some way within the new system. In fact im sure many foreign species dont survive at all in a/the new ecosystem.

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by verbal kint
We are not native to earth. We have been transplanted.

Yes we were "transplanted here" from other star systems. There are many races of humans that look almost exactly like us. We are a galactic species,with minor variations.The Pleiadians look like we do except they have perfect their heath through spirituality and technology so to us they appear as a "perfect" specimen of human. they do not destroy their world and resources through the use of advanced technology and the absence of greed war or fights for resources.

our problem is that secret technology that could free us from fossil fuels ,oil , or nuclear power has been suppressed from the earth. this tech exist and was mad by us. with free energy devices we could end wars,poverty, the extrication of natural resources.

So as it seems we are a plight on mother earth,we are victims of oppression from cooperate greed. i think the average person would not intentionally contribute to destroying the earth if we had the option. would you intentionally pollute or over consume just for enjoyment of it.thats not in most people nature i would like to believe.

so what im say is our imbalance is the result of a few individuals in positions of extreme power. i think the average person loves mother earth . and if our our need were met with technology,and we weren't slaves doing mundane things to make other people money while we just get by, we would be happy and content and have the time and the will to repair this mess

just my thoughts...thanks

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 06:03 PM
So if you're all illegal aliens (literally!) how do I get about expelling you? My planet was doing fine before you came along!

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by Essan
So if you're all illegal aliens (literally!) how do I get about expelling you? My planet was doing fine before you came along!

.... Deportation?

I dunno how that would happen though. What entity's ship did we fall off of?

[edit on 29-9-2007 by Chiiru]

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by verbal kint
Actually, the rabbit issue in Australia is a perfect example of my point. Rabbits are not native to Australia and therefore able to completely overrun the native species. I do not mean to say the foreign species establish a new stability. In fact, that is likely impossible until 'mother nature' puts their power/dominance in check - however long that may take. Rabbits in Australia are akin to Humans on Earth.

Some Aussies with Gun-Licenses shoot 'em, and others (like me) Pelt them with an Arrow or two.

Anything else, apart from eating them, is just silly.

'Mum' Nature, that's us..... hehehehe

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 09:55 PM
Yeah, just ignore the fossil record, will ya! I will note that there is *no* missing link, the record is quite comprehensive-squirrel-like thing, to monkey-like thing, to human-like thing, to human.

Read this, I think it lays it out quite well:

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 06:34 AM
I think the Neanderthal is the real missing link of sorts. I know that according to competition for resources, we supposedly "beat them so bad" that they went extinct as a species shortly after modern humans were born with appropriately developed brains, lol.

I don't know if I want to accept that one from Science. They just .. up and vanished, and it was because of some primitive, stick-and-stone cave men humans? Our first real humans?

I think the story of Adam is too eerily reminiscent of some kind of genetic experiment, and we resemble Neanderthal WAY too much.

How is it that their "evolutionary path" developed eyes, nose, ears, mouth, teeth, etc, when they came before humans? Before such a thing as a human existed, Neanderthal men were running around in fur outfits with simple tools and weapons, with simple intelligence and some language communication skills. MORE resillient to the cold than we are? Adapted to the harsh European climate of the time?

The more you wrestle with the undisputable fact that Neanderthal 'men' as a species came before Homosapiens, yet we have all of THEIR features, despite being LATER on the "evolutionary scale", the harder it is to justify how and why they came about, how and why they're gone, and of what true relationship we have to them.

I think the "Ancient Astronaut" theory of some higher intelligence coming to Earth, seeing the Neanderthal men, and splicing the DNA of them with some of their own, thus the "in our likeness" bit in Genesis, is a leading theory. Or if it werent Neanderthal, then Homo erectus. Could it be that the human form is unavoidable on the Evolutionary process, even if you weren't a mammal?

If we say we evolved on this planet, we can say we lay claim to this Planet, and we came from it, a literal extension of Mother Earth, we would be her living entities.. like a coral reef, we'd be the microscopic life in the coral.

But if we didn't evolve here, we aren't a natural extension of Mother Earth, and it would be much, much harder to justify the raping of the Planet's resources that goes on.

[edit on 9/30/2007 by runetang]

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 07:11 AM
Can someone explain to me how if we have evolved from the apes as it claimed how we lost a pair of chromosomes?
We have 46 pairs and primates have 48.
It is not the sort of thing that a birth defect can cause that would then transfer to the rest of the population.

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by Cyber_Wasp
Can someone explain to me how if we have evolved from the apes as it claimed how we lost a pair of chromosomes?
We have 46 pairs and primates have 48.
It is not the sort of thing that a birth defect can cause that would then transfer to the rest of the population.

Well ourselves and apes share a common ancestor. So maybe they just somehow gained an extra pair of chromosomes?

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by verbal kint

We constantly have non-native species that we can't get rid of.
the garlic mustard which is chocking out native plants that was brought from eurpe in the 1800s.
Our state even has a garlic mustard picking day trying to get rid of it.

the kudzu which is increasingly becoming a problem, choking out plants and killing trees basically by suffocation. Also brought in the 1800s.

The asian tiger mosquito which is a nasty little bugger, comes out at all times, not just dusk. Also came in the 1800s.

Last but not least, the phragmite is choking and destorying wetlands.Most people don't realize this pretty and attractive plant is not synonomous with wetland habitat, and destorys it literally by crowding out the wetlands of animals and other plants.

While this article takes place in michigan, this war is going on in wetlands all over the country where this plant has taken hold.

[edit on 30-9-2007 by nixie_nox]

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by runetang

Actually the theory isn't that they dissappeared, but that they were bred out.

they recently found fossils of a cross between neanderthal and Homo, containing both characteristics.

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by verbal kint

You also have to take into account that humanity tends to be greedy. We do not become the dominant life only because we're over producing thanks to corporate greed, but also because of over population.

Anytime any creature on Earth loses their natural predator, they will over populate too and diminish their natural resources at an exponential rate. This happens with a lot of wildlife, and the reason why we have hunting seasons, because we killed off that animal's natural predator, so we have to establish ourselves as their new predator and control their population.

The problem with us is that we have no natural predator, minus bacterial and viral diseases, and we're always growing, always consuming, and always using more and more resources. We are from this Earth, but we sure don't act like this is our home when it comes to taking care of it.

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by Chiiru
I dunno how that would happen though. What entity's ship did we fall off of?

According to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy we all are descended from an alien planet elsewhere in the galaxy. In order to get rid of a useless third of their population, the middle managers, accounts executives, telephone sanitizers, hairdressers and such were put aboard a ship which eventually crashed landed on the Earth and skewered the pan-dimensional mice's experiment to get "The Ultimate Question" from the organic supercomputer called Earth.

The Neanderthals which were supposed to form a part of the equation got displaced by the useless third and so the experiment was failed from the start. It also explains the situation on Earth right now, i.e. why people suck.

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by Essan

Ya I'm Native American go away you crazy aliens and next time bring more beer not war, Oh wait it must be you aliens that came from the monkeys. I knew John Lear was an alien, How else would have a vast knowledge of what is on the moon and all other planets for that matter.

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by nixie_nox

Heh, really? I never heard that they found a half Neanderthal half Human's bones or fossils or any kind of remains. That is really interesting, do you know a web site I could read about that?

I saw a show on the Science or History Channel about Neanderthals, a sort of documentary, and they said that there were no Neanderthal DNA markers & no genetic evidence of any cross-breeding between the two in any sizeable or detectable level whatsoever.

So my opinion as of right now is, it was rare, but it happened now and then. I'd imagine a situation where this could've happened would be horny human young men capturing a lone Neanderthal woman after raiding a Neanderthal cave or woodland home.

Let me emphasize HORNY. Probably drunk off of primitive fermented alcoholic drinks, too. I couldn't imagine the displeasure of doing such a thing, for a human anyway.

[edit on 9/30/2007 by runetang]

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 05:22 PM

Mother nature ain't no woosie! Her being the intrinsic structure of the life/eco-system itself. In fact I believe that in the long run, even the foreign species will be tamed and assymalated into the balanced structure, their inital dominance checked by some new system element and balance will be restored.

What is your evidence to support this hypothesis?

Now, take this axiom and appy it to the human story. We have overrun Earth's global ecosystem. We have done so virtually unchallenged. We have established a stable dictatorship. The awsome power of Mother Nature's balance would NEVER permit such an anomoly with ONE EXCEPTION: If the life form is not native to the system, If the life form is transplanted into the ecosystem. We are not native to earth. We have been transplanted.

I believe you have answered your own question with regard to this. According to you, however long it takes, mother nature will regain balance. Based on your own hypothesis, this simply has not happened yet.

I think one problem here is that you are assuming "mother nature" is some how a sentient being able to logically and methodically make changes necessary to create a balance. I could argue that your hypothesis is not provable by it's own design as any example I come up with against it, the automatic answer will always be, "the balancing mechanism just hasn't happened yet but one day will".

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