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What type of missile hit the WTC?

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posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by bull12scr
These people that argue that there were no planes are the most ignorant people I have heard speak thus far. Well maybe not quite but close. I am certain that 98% of them were not there when it happened. The ones that claim to have been there and atest to there not being planes were probably in buffalo at the time. They just love to debate and have no rationale to what they say. All that matters is that they get the attention that they so feel they deserve. Poor beings.

Its just too bad there is no real hard evidence that planes hit the buildings. No FBI and NTSB reports that match any parts found to any of the 9/11 planes.

No actaul photo or video of Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon, also no reports of where the parts fouund were taken.

The biggest evidence against the official story is the lack of evidence that supports it.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 07:07 PM
So your arguement is that all the video and pics that are out there now are all fake right. The video that people were "supposedly" watching of the live coverage was all fake? Can you explain for me the plane that went down in PA? What was that about? What was it that hit the Pentagon? What is the reason I am in Iraq right now? Shed some light on my life for me.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by bull12scr
So your arguement is that all the video and pics that are out there now are all fake right. The video that people were "supposedly" watching of the live coverage was all fake? Can you explain for me the plane that went down in PA? What was that about? What was it that hit the Pentagon? What is the reason I am in Iraq right now? Shed some light on my life for me.

No, just looking for actual facts and evidence of what happened that day, which we have little of from the official story.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 07:47 AM
we are not concerned about people being happy.

There is only one truth. It fits ALL the evidence.

Read my posting again, it explains the POD, the amputee wings, the fact that different eye-witnesses saw different things, the fact that not all amateur footage can have been faked, toasted cars and so on.

One day you will have to accept it.

Right now it is important that you understand it.

I am sorry, but I don't have the time to make an easy-consumable/grasp web-page.. you need to look at the details ON YOUR OWN.


posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by u2r2h

I have a buddy of mine that was working near the pentagon at the time. He is in the military and had to go help clean up. There was without a doubt an airplane that hit the pentagon. He said that there was plane wreckage all over inside the pentagon. However I am sure that your argument would be that you cant trust anything they say because they work for the government and he is one of the very guys that is responsible. Of course anybody that confirms anything other than what you say would be a liar.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 02:24 PM

No actaul photo or video of Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon, also no reports of where the parts fouund were taken.

So this information is needed to 'prove' that a plane crashed into the Pentagon......yet the same 'proof' is provided for the Trade Center....but it's not good enough.

Sad, pathetic and extremely hypocritical..........

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