posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 06:52 PM
"Lost" my parents at birth, actually. Being adopted at age 5 days old, this loss still is something my body feels. My parents had quite a few kids
already, so they put me up for adoption. The next loss was due to the family situation of my adoptive parents. Mom was 45, Dad was 62 when I was
born. Somehow, lawyers allowed the age-difference to be allowed back then in 1964. Dad was a hard worker and long-time smoker so he developed lung
disorders and died when I was 6, in the 2nd grade. Mom came down to school one day to take me out of class and her and the teachers told me he had
passed in the hospital.
I don't know if life would have been much better had he survived longer into my childhood. I would have been an active kid with a father in his 70s
with health problems. My mom did a good job raising me and also taking care of her mom until grandma died at about age 95. As an only child, it was
a very small family with very little family support, so I kind of raised myself to some degree. I'm very much ok hanging out with myself - even at
times when I could be doing something with my wife or my kids. It's not that healthy to be too self-sufficient, it seems like, when family members
are near.
My mother is still going strong, at 90, despite arthritis in her knees and hands. She's going to sell her house this year or next and move closer to
[edit on 7-6-2010 by bonaire]