posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 11:25 PM
ok now all you have to do is flood an area between yor hands with energy than start to make it hot as soon as it is as hot as you need you can flood
it through your body (espesialy usefull in the winter) or through anothers body. eventualy you can train yoursellf to do this automaticly so cold
doesent efect you as much or the other way around i guess you could probly call it metaphisical insolation. (can also be used to cool an entire room
or area)
set the candle within two feet of you to start than focus on the wick until its the only thing you can see gaze deep into the wick un till you fee its
fibers than deaper to thear fibers and so on find the smallest you can find than add energy to it see the flames heat it spread that to all the fibers
than to the fiber the fiber they make up and so on and so forth after a wile it should burst into flames
ok this is one of the funnest psy techneeks. first all you have to have is a flame big small dosent realy mater, focus on the flame until its all u
can realy see than invision it dansing doing what ever you want once you get the hange of it its realy easy to do you can make it grow, shrink, jump,
flair up, and all difrent kinds of things