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My sightings!

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posted on Jan, 22 2004 @ 09:55 PM
Ok, I�ve ben here for a short while (newbie), and now have decided to share my experiences.

My first sighting was when I lived in a small town in Southeastern Pennsylvania, just outside of Philly. I was walking home from school since I didn't catch the bus in the afternoon, and just by luck I looked up into the sky. For a short moment I noticed something go inside a cloud, thought it was a plan, but it came out from the cloud and just looked different, silverish; wasn't sure since it was far up into the sky and was a smallish spec. Obviously, I don't think it was a plane since it slowed downed and swooshed back the other way! OMG, I thought, then I could never find it. Believe me I looked and looked; if it was a plane I would think I would eventually see it. I went home and didn't tell anyone, for sure my Dad or neighbors wouldn't believe me, looking back neither would I believe

My second sighting is just when we moved to Indianapolis, IN (USA for you foreigners). I worked part-time at a grocery store when I was in High School. One night I was getting carts, and the store was closed so basically no-one was around in the parking lot. I just looked up into the sky and..... *facial expression=
*, I saw a round saucer right their hovering over a small train yard by some old warehouse that was I think. I'm sorry, but this was five years ago, and I think it strobed blue lights, or red? I hate saying that I can�t remember the colors, and I regret not wrighting this down back then (didn't have the thought-process as I do I was extremely excited, and somewhat worried; I went to get someone, but the doors where locked on that side of the store, then I turned around and the craft was slowly moving away. Then I was to worried to get anyone, because it might be gone. Could you image if I did go inside and was like "YOU GOT TO SEE THIS! A UFO IN THE SKY!" and co-workers went outside and it was gone
, lol how embarrassing. Well, luckily a co-worker (and a friend of mine at the time) saw me by the door and I waved my hand franticly for him to come outside. He did, I pointed to the saucer, and his facial expression=
. I feel lucky to beable to share this with someone, so at least I put it this way "I don't feel alone on this topic".

Well, this is a UFO board, so hopefully I wount get bashed....
I mean a craft like that over a metropolitain area, there are a fair amount of sightings I would think. I know what I saw, but as for aliens and so, could this be? Indianapolis isn't exsactly a military area like Nevada and New Mexico/Texas
. Oh yeah, after I clocked out for my shift me and him went driveing around looking around. Not just for a ship, but maybe a black "governmental" type vehicle. No luck, ohhhh.

Have any of you guys/galls had any experienceis?

posted on Jan, 22 2004 @ 10:01 PM
i have seen 2 unidentified flying objects on 2 separate occasions over the florida skies.

I am not saying that they were extra-terrestrial, but they were not identifible even after extensive research was done by myself to prove otherwise.

so yeah, basically I saw 2 ufos.

posted on Jan, 22 2004 @ 10:59 PM
sounds pretty interesting..... how far was the train yard from ur store? Do you remeber?

posted on Jan, 22 2004 @ 11:27 PM
I also saw a similar saucer go into a cloud in broad daylight high up in the sky. A weird sighting because I had asked to see a ufo.

posted on Jan, 22 2004 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
i have seen 2 unidentified flying objects on 2 separate occasions over the florida skies.

I am not saying that they were extra-terrestrial, but they were not identifible even after extensive research was done by myself to prove otherwise.

so yeah, basically I saw 2 ufos.

Was this near Eglin AFB by any chance?

posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by ShadowSephiroth
sounds pretty interesting..... how far was the train yard from ur store? Do you remeber?

From looking at my street atlas, it was about 1mile.

posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 01:54 AM
I also had a bus stop UFO sighting, one day before school in about 10th grade. I already mentioned it in a different thread before. After that one some anonymous freak drove up, took a picture of me, and drove away.

Another time a couple of years later, my brother and I both observed strange lights over Lake Michigan (we lived right at the beach). They were moving in multiple directions in a small area over the water. I think maybe it was a search and rescue, but they never mentioned anything in the paper or on the news.

I also found a strange mark on the back of my right leg around the time of the first sighting. I call it a scoop mark, but it didn't look like pictures of scoop marks I've seen online. It was an equilateral triangle with rounded corners and looked red, shiny skin over an indentation. It was at least a few millimeters deeper than the surrounding area, and the skin was smooth and tight like a burn. I had no recollection of getting hurt. I showed my mom and brother when I found it. My mom seemed to think I did it to myself. After about a week it was gone--no indentation, no redness, no scar whatsoever.

posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by intelgurl

Was this near Eglin AFB by any chance?

actually these sightings were in South East Florida, I believe Eglin is Northwest from where I am, btw, I am about 20 miles west of a major airport.


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