posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 12:12 AM
A team of American astronomers using the Parkes radio telescope based here in NSW Australia have discovered what seems to be an extremely powerful
radio burst from outside our galaxy. The distance of the source is estimated to be approximately 1.5 billion light years away.
This signal only lasted for 5 milliseconds and occurred 6 years ago, but has been re-analysed due to its extraordinary nature, and the report has been
released today.
News article:
Abstract published in the Science Express Journal:
Assistant Professor Duncan Lorimer from West Virginia University is quoted as stating it could be from two neutron stars colliding or the death of a
massive black hole. However after reading the story it seems they have yet to point out the exact point of origin, namely another galaxy, star,
nebula, etc.
Could it be that the point of origin no longer exists and that it was destroyed in this event? Or might it be from a point
much closer
originating from an unknown source (ship, base, you get the idea), hence it's power & brightness. Even if you disregard this bit of speculation, it
is an interesting report nonetheless.
[edit on 28/9/07 by Evasius]