posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 09:06 PM
This happened to me a while back, and is happening again.
It's quite hard to explain, so bear with me and ask questions if you're confused...
When I move my hands over a surface, a lot of the time my hands will suddenly go numb and I can feel nothing except hot and cold. This is assured to
happen when my hands have lots of stimulus, like moving under a blanket or through my hair. The same goes for my feet.
The weird thing about it is that I can somewhat control it. I can initiate the numbness if I concentrate hard enough on doing so, and (though it is
more difficult) I can stop the numbness.
Even weirder, if I can see my hands, they will not go numb. Meaning if my hands are in front me on the keyboard like they are, I will definitely not
experience any numbness.
I thought the issue at first was some sort of nerve problems from my past drug use, which I cannot speak about on this forum as per the rules, and it
might be. But why do I have some degree of control over it? Why does it only happen when I cannot see my hands? If it truly is a nerve problem, then
why does looking at them make a difference to the problem?
I'm afraid to go to doctors because I fear they will think me a loon by my description of the issue.
I have tried to answer the questions, but my mind keeps racing to some sort of 'supernatural' power. I know it sounds crazy, but like anything else,
that's the conclusion many jump to when no answer is apparent.
Know what's going on? I really need help here, it's interfering with my daily life when I drop things, don't close gates and the like simply
because I cannot feel what my hands are doing.