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China warns of catastrophe from Three Gorges Dam

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posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 02:42 PM
Hmmm you kind of wonder if an environmental impact statement was done before the grandiose project was started. China seems to be finally wakign up to the huge enviromental problems it faces. Some of the one cited for the dam include erosion which could threaten the dams integrity. Sediment is also building up as well.

BEIJING (Reuters) - China's huge Three Gorges Dam hydropower project could spark environmental catastrophe unless accumulating threats are quickly defused, senior officials and experts have warned.


But even senior dam officials who have often defended the project as an engineering wonder and ecological boon now warn that areas around the dam are paying a heavy, potentially calamitous environmental cost.;_ylt=AqQxEIvNgeuStVOOaaInarBvaA8F

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