posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 01:42 PM
I had to have my cat put down a couple of years ago. The crap in the commercial cat food finally shut his liver down. I knew he was losing weight, and
his breath smelled, but I thought he just wasn't doing well because of a change in diet and the heat and didn't get him to the vet as soon as I
should have. His mouth was completely ulcerated, couldn't eat at all.
I held him while he died at the vet's. It was one of the hardest things I ever had to do -- I got that cat as a new kitten when I lived on the
streets, had him for 13 years. I had him cremated and have his ashes in a little redwood box.
It was hard, and terrible, and I cried for days. I wrote a long poem about it, and about how guilty I felt, the first poem I'd written in years. But
I knew I did the right thing. i could have put him on IV and kept him alive for a few months, but he would have suffered so badly during that time.
Sometimes it's the ultimate act of kindness to help an animal end its life. It's so hard to do for us, and I know there isn't anything I can say to
help you feel better. But my thoughts are with you.