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Giuliani's $9.11 Entry-Fee Campaign Fundraiser House Parties

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posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 02:37 AM
This is all time unprecidented treachery. This only confirms what I've been saying earlier this year when I heard about his campaign. His drive for presidency is a total exploitation of the 9/11 tragedy and the victims of not only September 11th, but also every victim that has stemmed from that day including every casualty (casualties include injuries) that has resulted from it (counting Iraq).

If anyone doubts that he is exploiting 9/11 let me point out the "Mere Exposure Effect".

It's no coincidence that you see all of those campaign lawn signs and bumper stickers around election time. The human mind has the tendency to 'reward' itself for observing and selecting 'nouns' which it's familiar with. This is a very well understood phenomenon which is exploited by advertisers and politicians alike. I openly promote the theory in many of my own Ron Paul posts so that everybody understands and appreciates this effect to hopefully motivate everyone to make others more familiar with him, while it's still early in the campaign.

Anyways, Giuliani and his handlers surely knew full well about this 'effect', and it was surely the major hinge in providing the green-light to begin his campaign. This effect is so well known that it's literally impossible for him to have begun his campaign out of innocent well-intended ignorance of it.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 02:52 AM
Hes a true high quality scumbag, but its nothing new. From the bad radios to the lack of support for firefighters and the clean up of the mass-murder scene- nothing he does is surprising anymore. How about this: for cleaning up the crime scene, Giuliani is guaranteed "help" in winning the elections by the puppet masters running good ol Diebold voting machines (which I swear, must have some subliminal message...hmm...Die...Bold...

[edit on 27-9-2007 by Unplugged]

[edit on 27-9-2007 by Unplugged]

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 09:20 AM
Simply disgusting, how low will Giuliani stoop to try and win this thing. I hope his opponents will hang with this, but I won't hold my breath.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 10:44 AM
When Guiliani stepped out to say his 20 second speech at the 9/11 memorial a couple of weeks ago i yelled out a large boo. And, surprisingly i was the only one and everyone looked at me like i had 3 heads. 9/11 is the best thing to happen to that man and he exploited it all the way.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 12:42 PM
This is all going to come back to slap him in the face once people stop collectively thinking of 9/11 as just a terrorist event. For anybody that 9/11 sympathy crap is working on, or whatever it's supposed to be, I bet there is at least one other person who knows Giuliani to be the scumbag that he truly is. And there's a huge difference in how those messages that he's sending people are going to be reflected back upon him.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

This is all going to come back to slap him in the face once people stop collectively thinking of 9/11 as just a terrorist event

I'm not sure what you are implying here. Are you suggesting that the majority of Americans will sway toward believing the "truthers" conspiracy theories, or that they will realize that Ruddy is just playing the 911 "race card?"

Agreed though, Ruddy is a d-bag. There are just too many people that know this, I highly doubt he will get the GOP nod.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 03:22 PM
He makes me sick with the whole 911 thing, he seriously wears that around like a 12 inch pecker. I have written in another thread about the family guy episode where Lois is running for mayor and she is trying to tell about all the things she is going to do. Anyway here is a link to it I frigging love that damn show. All I can think about when that idiot talks is about that episode.

It is like he has a hall pass for exploiting the tragic events of that day.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
I'm not sure what you are implying here. Are you suggesting that the majority of Americans will sway toward believing the "truthers" conspiracy theories, or that they will realize that Ruddy is just playing the 911 "race card?"

I'm aware that you're certain that MIHOP is false. But are you suggesting that they didn't allow it to happen for "Disaster Capitalism"?

That would still be a conspiracy, and when you look at it all (not just Loose Change) saying that they allowed it to happen is like giving "them" the benefit of the doubt.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
Agreed though, Ruddy is a d-bag. There are just too many people that know this, I highly doubt he will get the GOP nod.

I'm really glad you say this. Why? Because of all the posts you have about people making money from 9/11. People really need to understand that Guiliani is now a multimillionare (if not billionare) just from speaking about 9/11. Scumbag indead.

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