posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 04:34 PM
I am not versed in quantum theory, but have a working knowledge of holography & optics. What is happening in the case of the dog's water dish is
actual sine waves are occuring on the light reflective surface. The viewer's eyes see two different points of reflection that are changing as the
sine wave moves through the reflective surface. It is a very strange optical illusion, but not really 'proof' of a 5th Dimension unfortunately.
Unless of course you mean something more like Fate, putting you in the right place to view the phenomena from at the right time with the angle of
light hitting just right.
What you were experiencing is the type of moment that occur at certain sites on earth at certain times. In theory, if all the variables that put the
dog, the dish, the water level, and the sun were able to be reproduced in 1 year at the same time, you would experience the same illusion. Like
viewing a solstice from an ancient Mayan Observatory, or something of that nature...
Another way to experiment with the way our eyes/brain percieve three dimensions is to get a cheap pair of tinted sunglasses and break one lens out.
Then watch some televison show with lots of side to side motion (Maybe a side scrolling video game like Super Mario?). You are staying in one place,
and the video frames remain monoptic. But the 'tint' of the sunglasses slows the light entering one eye enough that two different (stereoptic)
frames enter your brain at the same time and your brain combines the two into an image that shows 'depth'. It is not 'exact' and one eye covered
for one direction works better than the other, so it takes some playing around. Those old rubber sunglasses from 1990 used to work perfect, pop in
pop out....
Lucky for you, at least you were able to enjoy a phenomena that caused you to really think and imagine... Sometimes that is hard in today's world.
[edit for spelling and clarity]
[edit on 28/9/2007 by DocMoreau]