Dan Burisch's claims cover a wide range of topics from politics to some overtechnological science that could shape human geopolitics as well as our
all destiny over the very next few years.
If we try to summarize all of the material Burisch-Crain tends to set up, the following items should be preeminently listed :
- MJ12 is running a wild worldwide operation which involves the entire humanity and will culminate upon the year 2012.
- A political treaty as been signed between USA and alien populations.
- Some of these alien people results of human evolution in a far future
- The coming back to present of future human-hybrids is closely related to the date of 2012 AD ; at this date, different causes, politics,
interstellar and astrophysicals, are entangling into the high risk of a global collapse, from which humanity would merely survive.
- The near-future humanity getting through these events is sent to Mars where they're established for a while, before beeing sent more far away to
the J-Rod species's place (don't remember which right now).
- Consequently to different ET related events and resulting discoveries, scientists around Groomlake are nowadays working on the so-called Ganesh
Particle, sort of nanophysical element supposed to heal any kind of DNA-like system, that Burisch compares to a kind of Tree of Life stuff.
- Irak war and Bush's visits to Baghdad are linked to the presence of an ancient, sumerian stargate device, which have to be under control upon
2012' winter solstice passing by, the all deal being bound to some timelines corelations involving both historic AND cosmic events.
Despite the J-Rod's fake picture, the issues of DB's PhD, or the simple fact Burisch continues to speak while he's still supposed to work for and
with the infamous MJ12, the guy appears as pretty good-looking and happy to disclose, vid after id, the greatest story ever sold to mankind.
If pure disinfo operation, then the many claims of Burisch should be studied for itself rather than being gently swept away as the necessary faked
part of an entirely fake story.
[edit on 24-9-2007 by Rigel]
[edit on 24-9-2007 by Rigel]