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AHMADINEJAD: bombs *not planes*

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posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by Unit541
How does one's opinion on the matter make them "crazy", "maniacal", or "Evil", and what's the correlation between his views on the Holocaust and current world events.

My point is he's "crazy", "maniacal", and "evil" because your government has told you he is.

It seems simple doesn't it?

Even though I may not agree with his opinions I still have yet to see this man as the monster I keep hearing the media claim him to be. Sure I saw loving Christians with signs condemning the man to burn hell (nice) but beyond that he mentioned understanding, respect and compassion as the keys to peace between all nations.

Not exactly words I'd expect hear from the new Fuerhur.

I also notice that on CNN right after talking about President Ahmadinejad's visit they went to a segment on newly discovered Holocaust photos. They did the same thing on their website. Coincidence or a way to connect?

I can't help but wonder why when Black Americans mention slavery which was essentially a holocaust as well that reverberated even after it's end, most rolls their eyes or even say "get over it" but I hear about the holocaust and it's seriousness almost every month?

Meanwhile Darfur is burning in present time.

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by nyk537
For God's sake people, this man doesn't believe the Holocaust happened! Does that sound like a man who is intelligent and honest?

incorrect. read the transcript from his speech at Columbia. He says that he does in fact believe the holocaust happened. Stop taking these talking points from the media as complete facts.

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by lee anoma

Because the zionists of Israel see the holocaust as a "business" opportunity as compared to something that needs to be prevented in the future.

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 06:32 PM
Wow I dont know how to take this, This is quit a eye opener. I realy think after reading all this theres alot I like what he said. Think about for a minute the U.S. has thousands of nukes and were woried about Iran maybe making Ten maybe ? Good thread

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by nyk537
This is outrageous. Is there honestly a thread here where people are talking about what an insightful and intelligent person Ahmadinejad is??

Simply unbelievable.

For God's sake people, this man doesn't believe the Holocaust happened! Does that sound like a man who is intelligent and honest?

I'm at a complete loss for words here....

LOL, he never said that. He said "It should be studyed more, so people could understand it, why can't we study this?" Get your facts right! Also i think he is very very intelligent, i don't agree with all his statements, but i agree with him more than USA administration. I would love to see Bush and him talk togather, he would humiliate bush and make him look idiot like he is.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 03:28 AM
Most American citizens are so BLIND and STUPID because they are numbed down by the media. If you would check the news from other sources you would be suprised. I promise you, if you would give me the power to use american media empire, i could convice people to belive that Iranians have wings and they can fly and that you can fly if you jump from a tower if you wish it really hard. They would all line up and jump, guaranteed. It is really sad....

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 03:32 AM
I'd like to see president bush go to Iran and go on Iranian television and explain the things he has said in the past years so that Iranian's can understand president bush.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 04:27 AM
The haulocost didnt happen in the extreme that Israel claims they have adjusted the figures by half and doubts exist about how many really were executed nevertheless Israel keeps playing the pity poor me card in my opinion their secret service operations with the Americans secret ops and false flags have done more damage to this world's chance for peace than any other nation on this earth .All countries have skeletons in the closet but the United States of America and Israel will go down in history as the most blood thirsty lot the world has ever known. Half of Americans think that the Universe revolves around them Australia has a better democratic system than yankee land wake up my fellow human being we are all in it together stop the abuse and start talking could it be that America could be the one in the wrong god forbid its horrible that a leader of another country takes a different view so the yanks answer is a violent one.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 04:52 AM
Oh by the way the Palestinians were the first and history proves this Israel created the problem by their continued voilent land grabs get over it Israel must offer unconditional peace and give the land back to its rightful owners.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by Unit541

Yeah I am the one that believes what I am told to. Most of your info comes from what you regurgitate from other posts and websites. You seem to think anyone who doesn't believe the same as you believe then they believe what they are told. Wow who is hating who now for not believing as you.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Conundrum04

The only danger to you guys is yourself. You think you have it all figured out don't you? Without the ability to discuss and reach common ground, that makes you no different than Bush.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by wardk28

Your ignorance is astounding. What are your opinions based on? Mine are based on verifiable facts. Find me some verifiable that indicate Ahmadinejad is the evil monster hell bent on killing us all that the media and the government make him out to be. Notice how a lot of us here don't quite think the same way as you. Well, there's a simple explanation for that. Many members of this site are like minded, and one of the ways we're alike, is that we're openminded enough to consider that things are not always as they seem. You, apparently, are not.

And now, since your posts are nothing more than personal challenges, and contribute nothing to the subject at hand, I'll make use of the ignore button. Have a wonderful day.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 12:52 PM
Thats fine if you want to hide. I was done making my point anyway and that just further proofs it. Have a nice day too.

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 10:37 PM
Anyone following this thread who wishes to see the debate
between Truth4Hire and NYK537, can look here:

Challenge Match: Truth4Hire v. NYK537 Did the Holocaust Happen?

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 11:47 AM
Iminajihad doesn't believe in the holocast, doesn't believe gays exist in Iran (If you know of one, please provide his or her address to him right away), yet he is being praised in this forum for thinking it was "bombs, not planes."

Do the 9/11 truthers really want to add Iminajihad to the list of "useful idiots"?

[edit on 30-9-2007 by RRconservative]

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