I think they're just down at the moment. Mine worked perfectly fine up until about 10 minutes ago. If it's a technical issue I'm sure they'll fix
it in time..... I hope.
Folks, it's just a technical issue. Remember the event is being set up now. Things get tested etc. to make sure that they don't go down DURING the
We're sorry, due to abuse of our chat by some new and not-so-new members, you must have at least 200 posts to use chat on ATS. You only have 178
I'm not getting anything here. No webcast, I mean. Though I'm in the middle of Europe I would've thought that would make no diff. I have a 50+mbs
link so it should work okay -- shouldn't it?
Well I have 170 posts and you have 180 we could just throw words back and forward for the next ten minutes to make up another 20+ posts in a last
ditch effort to solve the puzzle LoL
I'm freaking here, I keep getting Windows media error C00D1198... I hope it is just a tech. problem and fixed soon. It was so fun to spy on all the
guys and gals from ats!!! I saw Jim M. just before I lost reception.