posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by purple girl
You clearly didn't understand what the man said... or maybe you've only been watching the western mass media spoonfeeds.
As far as allowing the free market to work for the US... um, have you not been paying attention? IT AIN'T WORKING! Despite a frenzied effort to
invade other nations to seize their assets, countless acts of US state sponsored Terrorism, and various intentional violations of NAFTA, the US
economy is on the brink of collapse!
Really, what are they showing you people?
Don't you understand that the drop in the US Dollar value is directly linked to this failed free-market experiment and the fact that no-one
ever believed that pure capitalism could
every work?
I suggest you put the flag waving on pause for a moment and take a moment to look around.
Oh... and you might want to wrap your head around the fact that the US is far from the only nation that embraces free-speech. In fact, with the
Patriot Act in place, I'd have to say the US is the
least free first nation in the world!