Thanks for mentioning me AD , I love Transformers , Voltron, and of course Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It's too tough to pick just one , as a kid
TMNT inspired me to draw , which led me to being a comic artist so I'll have to give cred to them turtles .
I was am a "baby boomer". One of the first generation to have grown up with television and, in my case, that meant growing up with cartoons!
While Sundays were meant for worship, you know, being forced to dress up in a suit and tie and being dragged off to Church, and the weekdays were
designated for the daily torment of grade school, Saturdays belonged to me!
Every Saturday morning, I would wake and run to turn on the television, a b&w Sylvania 21 inch with "halo
light" (a wierd light flourescent light that surrounded the picture tube to provide "ambient lighting". I would sit real close to the
screen. Retreating only after being told, by my mother, that I was being subjected to "radiation". Within minutes after being told to "move away
from the screen", I'd sidle back up to the screen to bathe in the invisible emanations from that massive picture tube and, more importantly, to be
close to my cartoon heroes:
Felix the Cat(God I loved that cat and his "magick bag of tricks"
Clutch Cargo with his pals, Spinner and PaddlefootI don't know why I like this strange cartoon. It was a serial which I don't think I
ever watched to conclusion. I must have mesmerized by the wierd animation
Popeye in "Seein' Red, White 'n' Blue (1943) - Banned CartoonEven the the WWII had been over for a dozen years or more, Saturday
morning cartoons were often dominated by older cartoons from the "war years"....a healthy dose of patriotic indoctrination. Frankly, I was probably
seven or eight years old before I realized that we weren't fighting the Germans and we hadn't been at war for fifteen years or more (I was born in
Popeye in "Spinach for Britain"God did I ever love it when Popeye would manage to down a can of spinach. Nothing could stop him -- not
even Hitlers' War Machine and Nazi "Supermen"
Superman Speaking of "Supermen", good old Superman himself was always a part of my Saturday morning cartoon schedule. Of course, I
always got a "double fix" of "Supes". The live action Superman Show, starring George Reeves, was definitely a "must watch"
Johnny Quest (Intro) As I entered the 60's, I was suddenly overwhelmed by the new wave in cartoons -- Johnny Quest came on the scene with
a whole different way of animating cartoons. They more closely resembled comic books. And no wonder. Quite a few comic book artists of the day
spent time working on this animated feature, most notably, Alex Toth did backgrounds for johnny Quest and company; Dr. Quest, Reese Banner, Hadji and,
of course, Bandit.