posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 12:45 PM
For the record, I've lived in the Ventura area all my life... The position given in the first post is off the coast of Oxnard, and the building on
the shore is a Southern California Edison power plant...
I dunno if this means anything but I thought it should be posted...
Also, though this is off topic (although it does prove I've been in the area), when I was a kid I took the following photo using an AstroCam 110
model rocket. The rocket was launched in the field directly to the south of the power plant... You can pretty easily match this up with google earth
by referencing the house with the pool with the houses directly down-shore of the power plant...
Also note, for non-users of google earth (sorry if this was posted here before): You can in fact copy the coordinates & paste them in to google maps,
and switch to satellite view instead of using google earth... It works pretty well...