posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 07:31 PM
Have been visiting this site the last several weeks and have found this place to be interesting, and thought provoking.
After reading this site and some of the discussions, I walk away from the computer thinking negativly. How can I help keep myself from getting
"down" after reading these forums? State of the US and it's affairs, the economy, the overall world as we know it most definitely can get us all
down but, does anyone here feel that we as individuals have the power to influence our destiny in a positive manner? Since the beginning of mankind,
there has been conflict. Our technological advances in the last hundred years has certainly accelerated our ability to destroy everything as we know
it, but has everyone forgot about the fact that the number one instinct we all have and our born with is the instinct to survive? Are any of us so
significant, that it will "all" come to and end during our measly little spec of time "we" are here?
I am one who truely believes that we all have the power and influence to affect each other in a positive way. To help one another and to continue
improving our way of life coexisting with each though even through our racial, cultural, and religious differences we have. Communication and
education should be the forefront of our success. With that being said as I continue to read some of the forums this evening. Hope everyone has a good
day tomorrow and a great weekend! Get out and do something fun and enjoyable, I am.