posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 12:31 AM
Very nice, I've been waiting to see the Law of the Lord, but didn't know that you were doing one with an actual USA Today associate.. pretty good to
get through to him. As I was watching, I think about the answers that these people give to you. People's memory is either strong or weak compared
to how they made the event turn out in their life. Let's say you were there Craig, with your attitude to find the truth, but on that day of
9/11/2001, you would have made this event your grounds for doing CIT that early in life, and actually making it a big part of your life, do get
answers, like many of us here want. Making it a big part, brings out the most descriptions in your memory, giving an interview the big bang that it
needs to be, with the sincerity (sp?)...
Now take a USA Today member,for example (any of them), and give them an interview.. they work at their job, day in and day out... thats all they do,
want to make a living working at a career they love, and come home to their family.. a good rotation.. but maybe they took this event to heart, but
didn't ever think of getting involved in figuring out what really happened.. the only thing they would care about is the safety of them and their
families after knowledge of allegedly being attacked by Osama Bin Laden and his hijacking crew, and moving forward through life, doing their stories.
These memories for them just want to be forgotten in a way, that they'll give you (or try to) honest answers, but not the full 110% because of the
fact, they want to move forward in life and not think about these things in the past.
Not saying you don't have a life Craig, everyone has a life, they live it different ways, so on and so forth.
I hope I made some sense here.
Point: If you make an event a big part of your life that you were present at, you will keep all the details in your memory strong enough to tell all
who want to know. If you pass the event like it was another day, "Oh no.. I feel sorry for those people, I hope things will get better" and move on
to different things in life, the memories will be just short, and trying to touch on details will block your train of thought because you can't truly