I was on my way to Karate class, It was about 7:20. As I was looking around I noticed the moon. The moon normally comes out that early in GA. Directly
under it was a Silver, Metallic looking object. As soon as I saw it, it faded and then disappeared from my sight. If any1 has seen anything like this,
I would love 2 hear!
When I was a little girl I was riding around my grandparents place. (its out in the country.) I saw a bluish gray metal oval thing flying around
with planes all around it. I dropped my bike and ran in the house as fast as i could to get my grandmother to come out and look. when she got
outside, everything was gone.
actually the other day i did glance out of my window to see what I thought was a silver-metallic oval shaped UFO. I was awestruck for a few seconds
until the object flapped its wings and I realised that it was a seagull, directly side on with the sunlight reflecting off it. I was so dissapointed.
But for those brief few moments, my mind SAW it as a shiny UFO. Taught me a valuable lesson about how your eyes and mind don't always tell you the
I have seen some amazing preformences in the sky by unusual 'things' but I have never been close enough to say I saw a silver metallic disc. I
would LIKE to see this though.....
I've seen two UFOs similar to the one you describe.
The first was in a large area of clear blue sky (I was probably about 3000 feet above sea level at the time, if that matters at all) and a silver,
circular looking object streaked across the sky and then vanished.
The second I saw looking through a car windshield. It looked like the first, except moving slower and it actually went behind a cloud.